OUTLISTED: Fighting against forbidden modifications

Sound mods are literally officially supported feature with official guide how to make them.

You can take your guess…




Well what if I just created it and it’s not on the “official sandbox portal”?

But ok I guess, I’ll continue.

Sadly, no minor update this weekend.
As for major update, it’s too early to ask about it.

I can tell you, you shouldn’t use, cheat program as trainers or aimed one to a specifically cheat, macros who tamper with gun firing or recoil

Well any clearer communication on further development is all i want here, not just a majormcsoon post

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@MajorMcDonalds is this it for the week? :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Well, steps sound mods they won’t give you an advantage, in fact, they’ll make the game much more annoying, so it’s not worth changing the sound of the footsteps,


Well major did this about it

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By the way what about aim cross who are built in desktop PC? A lot of pc have it now days :thinking:

Lol nice, can we see past bans too someday?

Is this a hardware ban or a ip ban?
Or just a permeant account suspension?

Screen crosshairs? Even some decent gaming monitors have built-in function for them

This one I forget the word :smile:

Yes that’s because I’m asking, every pc have it now days laptops to… And a lot of people use it without even thinking about cheating

Probably its not in the list because its 6 months ago (some players in the list just have 1 month old as i remember when i checked someone of that list, cant mention name)

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I see. Thanks for the information.

The word ‘soon’ is starting to wear thin… I feel like I might hear it ten more times before long. Honestly, the major update news seems to be very slow. I hope what you meant by ‘soon’ isn’t actually ‘sooooooooon’.

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i see mostly eastern guys

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The two guys I encountered in Moscow are gone, well, I trust they will be banned in time.

lol…having to cheat in enlisted… :rofl: