Greetings, commanders! As we promised in our first Outlisted, here is the latest list of players who have been banned for using forbidden modifications based on your complaints.
Permanent ban
The list below only includes players who have been permanently banned due to your complaints, after their game replays have been reviewed by our team of game masters.
As a reminder, we do not ban players for using allowed mods like custom hangars and sounds, which you can find on the official Sandbox portal.
Protecting Enlisted - Together!
If you notice a suspicious player, you can submit a complaint against him in battle by opening the scoreboard and selecting “Complain” from the context menu.
You can also submit a complaint directly from the Replays section of our website.
Thank you for your help in fighting dishonest players!
there are even more im pretty sure (not talking about clans) im talking about those nerds that they were in front of you and havent noticed of your precense but somehow they manage to do a 720º and smash your head lul (im 100% sure that this is not a bot) also the guy i found was literally able to hit all his shoots with a pistol to the head XDD i was like wa du hell XD ( but gotta say even if he had suspicious aim bro was so dumb that dont even tried to build rallies or smt)
even with that a couple of barbed wires and a couple of tnts on the objective i can actually confirm i beated a Cheater well if hitting pistol shoots with 100% acurracity from long distances and liteally knowing where i was everysingle time can be considered as cheating
I heard that War Thunder has recently banned 6,000 accounts, while Enlisted have only banned dozens of accounts. This shows that Enlisted is more remarkable.
no it just means that this community is quite small and there is not point on hacking on casual games where you can just break the game and have a bot fest