Our Roadmap

This is funny


Is there any plan to add squad slot for event squad?
Is there any plan for ability to buy squad slot with Sliver?


i think that buy “slots” with silver is excessive

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This would be amazing. Honestly the perfect solution. But I feel like there is a lack of will to do it at the developer level.

They have added so many things for Japan as premium/event/battlepass that should’ve been added as regular research, like Chi-Ha/ Chi-Ha Kai/ Type Hei 10, Type Hei Late. Then they add things like the KE7 that should be battlepass or event.

I honestly dont get the strategy here.


i think they talking about soviet vs jap cause it about dam time to get a new jap front (unless they love having jap fighting only 1 faction forever then that fine too i aint complaining)

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Probably not, bro. Its easy money for them


we can always make reminder topic about event slot tho since that might become a thing

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I doubt they do that again as we already have BR and the reception of that system on the test server was even below terrible.

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Have the Devs given any thoughts to make factions more disctinct from eachother by giving each faction a unique passive buff or a special ability?

ie. Japan being able to do full squad Banzai Chargers.
Giving Germans Panzerschokolade as a consumable for faster reload, ADS and weapon change.

Just limit the number of squad slot you can buy using sliver and make it expensive to purchase. So it will not effect their selling of squad slot with gold that much.

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Are there any plans to make small versions of Backpack, Grenade pouch and Ammo pouch have a place in the game? Currently there is no reason to equip Small Backpack over Large Backpack, for example.

Haha I agree with the not being over-moderated 100%. If they’re gonna add it, at least let us gamers do our thing with it
but being serious, it’ll get boring and annoying within a few days.

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well i guess with global chat i can now ask which gun is good in real time instead of the forum (altho i might still go here if people in chat arent answering)

You are giving them ideas…

Don’t encourage the greed trolls :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

oh man if i can get duplicate squad im selling it for 5k gold or more if enlisted ever get a market then i will use those gold to buy box until i get ppk42 squad that i miss mmm

otherwise i guess i wont use it cause i dont really need it (still tho hope the price isnt ridiculous)

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Very good stuff here, what new AT-guns will they have? Will the Russians finally use some ZIS variant instead of captured Pak40s??


Inb4 AI moderated chat

All insults get automatically transformed into love declarations

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Grow up, every game has a chat, and people being toxic has never been a problem in the past


I’d assume the Italian front

Calling it now
100k SL cost per box (95% chance for RP booster, 4.9% chance for random amount of SL (very likely that you will constantly make a lost), .1% chance for getting past event squad )