Our Roadmap

(queue wild speculation)

economy is balans



Well, with penalties for deserters, i will take a vehicle and just walk around untill the next game. If i need to wait, let me have some fun. lol

Are you planning to introduce customised plane armament loadouts?

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Soon we will have rework of Events tab, just stay tuned с:


I fully support most of the announced development goals. Some thoughts on those and on further improvements:

Penalties for deserters don’t seem feasible, there should be like 1 min grace period, there aren’t enough players to not piss off people with very specific map preferences or enticing enough rewards to have people play anything as like “join any team / any mode” - I for one almost never quit but I can see there are plenty of tender hearted sensitive butterflies in the forums

Silver bonus for Join any team/mode should be reasonably high not 10%

Overall silver gain needs to go up by 50% at least, I would say. Some bonus tweaks for EXP would be good also, especially for building rallies or medals. The grind is atrocious, WITH premium time and squads.

Need icons on squads showing if you have hero soldier in it and thus bonus EXP from them

Need squad preset just like soldier / army presets → quickly tweak your favourite squads for different BRs and playstiles

If you insist on moneysink random perk point soldiers at least get a system to just buy and autosell soldiers under perfect perk point rolls

Need an option to have engineers in squad automatically start working on what constructions you lay down

Need an option in the main menu to start game with guns in semi/auto/slow auto/dildo mode by default and not having to do it individually for each soldier, each weapon, every game

Need a way to set up trench lines and automatically have squad bots shovel away

I haven’t seen yet bots using my built MGs I’m either missing something or there needs to be a way to just order a bot on the MG, or order the squad on the MG and have one replace the bot that gets killed right away

Easy way to opt out / mute global chat for tender hearted sensitive butterflies if they get to emotional by words from strangers on the internet. Also don’t censor that. Nword galore for the win.

People need incentives to play most weapons. Need weapon achievements of sorts, like 500 kills with a weapon (as in MP40 itself not submachineguns in general) gets you something substantial like gold order weapon or lootbox or 50k silver, so people are truly incentivised to A) moneysink in all the different non meta weapons B)spend time in game C) have a further goal D)get rewards

Need a way to tell USA/British soldiers apart and to recruit the different minor nationalities individually

Bots pathfinding needs tweaked, like to try and follow the leader better, if I go in through a window they should try that also and not going round and round the building and get killed senselessly

Selecting soldier preset equips him with shit weapon of the type, and not the upgraded one. Should prioritise and equip max star weapons of the type when selecting soldier template.

Have a star or something to see in the squad menu which soldier is maxed out on perk points without having to click on every soldier individually

Need button in research tree to selected weapon’s squad that has the upgrade tree for it

This having to click for rewards in events business is really unfriendly for more casual players or just anyone who isn’t anal about checking the scores and rewards should be given out when tasks are completed and be done with this bs of clicking and bells and whistles. Also ideally not limiting the stages to one per 2 days

Japan needs more maps. Maybe Japan vs Soviet Union scenarios would balance the players/games but I guess you guys have the popularity per faction statistics (Khalkhin Gol / Manchuria '45 high BR)

A word of advice for you DF
Before adding penalties for deserters fix your own mistakes first so players don’t have to resort to desertion. If you are alien to major issues and mistakes of your won game that’s on you.

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Classic gaslighting.

The deserters are deserting mainly because they are being allowed to. And it’s even advantageous for them to do so.

It’s not like so many players are deserting just because of bad game design, etc.


Nah it because conquest exist it the root of all evil (I’m not being serious just trying to be funny)


Nice but please don’t do it in the middle of the event that might cause bug to happen again





It’s so ridiculous on so many levels that I want it.


when people are bored :stuck_out_tongue:

kinda want it just for memes now :rofl:


imagine lurking in the pond of Oasis in Tunisia or the river of Omer to, from nowhere, strike an oblivious enemy!

Well worth my money tbh


I honestly would do

ARMA 3 had these little guys. :grin:

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I have several questions and suggestions:


  1. Could you make a small section to choose the nationality of the soldier?

  2. What is the possibility of adding more skins for each minor country? (e.g. winter clothes, differentiating clothes for Italians and more variety for the British)


  1. Will there be an internal chat to communicate with players and team up?

  2. If the number of players per game increases, which I would love, will the maps be enlarged? And if so, will the number of armored vehicles and aircraft present at the same time increase? (I sincerely hope that it is an increase of substances of at least 30 players in the game, please).

  3. Although I consider the option of choosing the map to be correct, will it not leave maps in dead content? that is, maps with very few players, this would give way to games filled with bots, right? Will you make any incentive in experience or money so that people don’t leave empty maps? Because it can lend itself to being games of experience farms and completing events by taking out entire teams of bots.


Are there any plans to improve the mini-map in the near future? It hasn’t been touched in quite a while and needs improvements. It’s too small and clunky to use, so I think there is room for improvement.

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wont be answered soon…