Our Plans to Change the Explosive Packs

I would agree but, what about cooking nades anyway?

If a tank is camping beyond radius then its the job of another tank or plane to kill them. Everyone should learn how to do this.


@Keofox @1942786

Here is my suggestion, maybe dev won’t consider it. I think the best way to deal with it is to reduce the throwing distance of the explosive pack, and greatly increase the power of the explosive pack. And projectiles increase friendly damage to all your own soldiers.

Just like the Soviet explosive pack in Company of Heroes 2. This makes the item special and has a different function than a grenade. Retribution Battalion throwing explosive packs costs 45 ammo points, while Assault Squads spend 35 ammo throwing grenades

And add the mechanism of respawn points, if the dev thinks a weapon is too OP to be abused, simply increase its respawn point cost. It maybe the best tool for all kinds of balance and abuse problems right now, not just for explosive packs.



Please don’t balance by making it hard to kill infantry with explosive packs, or even explosives detonating very close to your feet.

It’s really not a fun and logical way to balance.

Perhaps, the game is heading in that direction.

Revert back grenade launchers? its impossible to play now? possible but simply not fun!! The main plus of this game(when u died and take new soldier of your squad) is dead now. There was 1 cancer that are explosive packs, now we have 2. Revert this as fast as possible!! 9 soldiers with 2 launchers became meta now? u dont need any other squads, some matches are simply broken, every time I see enemy squad full of launchers I desert now, and u cant blame me, Im not gonna play not fun broken game-thats it

oh lol it was just an example of an AT grenade that could be added to the game

Realistically, that grenade would likely function like current explosive packs (anti-infantry and anti-tank while being heavy) but for game balance purposes it’d be best if it only was best used against tanks

Company of Heroes 2 is an RTS game, this is a FPS game (and FYI, grenades in COH2 have been largely useless outside of trying to get garrisoned infantries out of their current position, but this isn’t the place to talk about that). You’re comparing oranges to apples here.

I don’t think anybody here wants explosive packs to be straight up useless against infantry, but rather we want them to be serving a different purpose than “hand grenade but better”.

I like this perspective. Higher blast potential, affects larger area but is heavier so shorter range.
Frag granades are fragment focused so low blast, large fragment area. ALso lower weight so longer range.
sounds reasonable?

Easy Way?

Explosion is in Your Blood:
85% Damage Reduction from Explosiv Explosions

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i mostly play berlin campaign at european servers. when i play soviet side i wait 1-2 minutes to connect and win 9 of 10 battles with approx. 70 kills and 3-4 tanks/planes destroyed. when i checked option play any side im connected immediatelly but ALWAYS as german. Lose 9 of 10 battles with +/- 40 kills and cca 1-2 tank/plane kills. Any of soviet smgs works perfectly as assault rifle but german 3008 has terrible sight (ok reality) and mp40 is suitable only to scare pingeons in the park although parameters says something else. At distance where soviet smg kills by 3 hits of 6-7 shots mp also make 3 hits with white mark and hit enemy has no problem to aim precisely and kill you. With their mg ur close range king cause u could dance (maybe u make them from lightweight dural) and spray death thanx to their cadence but try to hit something at longer distance. Il2 is apparently able to outurn BF109, bots acts like lobotomized retards, the ones from firs counter-strike are ingenious in comparision but ur make big show about change one parameter at rarely used feature


You better forget the EU Berlin Axis. At most if you are a masochist or a maximalist. Not enough players there.

nerf grenade launcherrrrrrr…

Here’s the thing, you implimented a improvement on grenade launchers and people complained so now you want to nerf all grenade types. WHY? Inexperienced players are ALWAYS going to complain about grenades and explosion packs being meta, when i first started playing they WERE devastating wiping out my whole squad very often, but i learned to not CAMP with entire squad in ONE AREA. Now that i have gained some experience i DO AVOID approximately 90% of grenade and explosion packs by taking cover behind walls, moving to different rooms etc, and throwing them back when possible, Grenade and explosion packs have already been tested, they work for balance AS THEY ARE to counter camping of tanks AND soldiers in the grey areas etc… QUIT NERFING ANYTHING and CONCENTRATE ON REPAIRING KNOWN BUGS AND AI BEHAVIOUR then maybe start thinking about tweeking mechanics of game play that are ALREADY working properly.


I’m all for balance between Explosive packs and Grenades but lets not make Tanks anymore stronger than they already are! Anti tank rifles are close to useless in countering them. Grenades as they are now cause little damage against anything. We don’t want Enlisted to become a Tank paradise anymore than it already is, just sit back and blast away racking up kills. Where is the skill in that? Enlisted is primarily an Infantry game, please don’t mess it up.

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Yeah tank are way op. Says the bomber run…

Have you played Stalingrad at all?

i dont agree , in this game usually all the slots for vehicles are full by tanks already camping , if i cant respawn with a tank or plane to remove said enemy camper then the problem is not on the player base anymore , rather the balance on the game .

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When changing the way packs and grenades work I would love it if you could make a fixed count on the grenades (say 4-5 seconds) and packs (10-12 seconds) right now it’s confusing beacuase there is no fixed timeline guide to the explosion.

yep, true. but i prefer this campaign and if nobody will play german ill have no match. So I want to notice the developer to correct the state. Most german weapons in this campaign are really awfull.

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It comes down to perspective and experience… Yours has been different than mine. At least as I’m playing, maybe 1 out of 10-12 games will I ever have any difficulty destroying an out of zone camper. If I can’t get a panther out, I bomb them with a plane. If plane and tank slots are full, usually I can sideline and get them with a detpack. Even if that means suiciding out of bounds and charging. If he is one of the very very few that positions in such a way that that is impossible, I can build an AT gun with engineers and snipe him from the side.

If none of these things work because I get killed trying repeatedly, typically that means either their side has a considerably larger portion of max level ppl or there are 2-3 guys playing together on discord. In either case the game is often one-sided anyways and while it is a good fight, it is often a loss. The only way to defeat that is fighting fire with fire and playing with friends yourself. Removing a tank’s ability to play as tanks did in the war just makes it more like COD. As far as I know unless it was one sided or impossible otherwise, tanks typically avoided being close to enemy infantry.

The unfortunate cause is a lot of people would rather kill farm than be close enough that they change enemy infantry behavior. A tank that is 20-30 meters behind the fight and is going guns blazing helps a lot more than 100 meters away. A simple solution would be to make kills achieved with a tank while in the grey area worth less than kills made say <50m away.

But hey maybe you’re right… That’s just my take. Anyways this isn’t directly related to the thread so I’ll sign off.

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I was initially wrapped in the prospect of Stalingrad Maps but after a few games with my head constantly shaking by the excessive explosions, I stopped. Maps are too similar to Berlin for me.