Our Plans to Change the Explosive Packs

All I’m gonna say is nerf explosive packs on infantry and tanks (maybe make them a placable or lower the throw range) then buff the effectiveness of AT squads and AT weapons tanks are meant to be a threat which only certain squads should be able deal with like AT, aircraft and of course other tanks everybody being able to blow up tanks just more often then not makes them stay in the back and not help infantry


Honestly theres too big of a problem with tanks in the game, and reducing explosive pack range isnt going to help. the reason? no matter the infantry range, its always better for tanks to stay in the rear, because they are out of their enemies combat zone. and unless they use planes or other tanks, this approach is literally unstoppable. especially so when using the highest tier tanks, such as the panther, that can just shrug off sherman rounds like it was nothing.

all in all I think explosion packs TANK effectiveness shouldn’t be decreased (if anything, increase the blast radius slightly) and AT gunner’s damage buffed so that they have a purpose instead of explosion packs (explosion packs are far more effective at actually damaging or destroying tanks than AT gunner weapons, so much so that it practically makes AT gunners useless.) they need more damage and range.

I agree with what was said by some earlier, that every infantry should have the ability to take a tank down with an explosion pack. tanks should fear all infantry and all infantry should fear tanks- fortune favors the bold. give us ways to counter tanks exploiting the game boundaries.


I think explosive packs could be remodelled and be the equivalent anti tank grenade, the grenade buff slightly concerns me too, grenades already getting lots of kills, everyone knows that from new Tunisia map, throw one in a hole, 18kills!

The fact is detpack is just as good as a grenade now, in Stalingrad the TNT is now much more the norm, I hardly equip Detpacks, in fact only my AT gunners have it, I think we should be looking at empowering AT gunner roles, I don’t need an AT specialist in my squad right now, as any of my soldiers can carry Detpacks and kill tanks.

I have noticed on Stalingrad, probably due to armour, Detpacks don’t always kill, I think Detpacks should disable, track vehicles, destroy components on tanks, not outright blow them up in one good throw.

On another point, grenade throwing perk is useless imho, I never remember who has it and overthrow Detpacks as a result. That being said, I really like the way the TNT cannot be thrown at all on Stalingrad.
So some form of reduction in distance would be good.

Finally, rifle grenades, need the reload slowed down and damage slightly reduced, now they are too quick and powerful, but it’s a fine balance to not make OP or too weak. (The RMN 50 launcher should be more powerful than the rifle grenades, but that is not the case right now)


Yeeeehaw, awesome!

Sure don’t, except they figure out how to solve the grey zone camping problem.


I don’t quite understand why the Devs need to reinvent the wheel. This has all been tested and proven in Battlefield 3/4/1/V:

  • AT grenades do a lot of damage vs tanks and some damage vs infantry
  • Frag grenades do a lot of damage vs infantry and no damage vs tanks
  • C4 (TNT) does massive damage vs tanks and infantry alike, but can’t be thrown far (still further than the 1m throw distance in Enlisted)

Question is, what if I bought 3 explosive packs for each soldier in every campaign yesterday, and now it’s getting nerfed, I guess there will be no compensation whatsoever?
Same issue with weapon nerfs, class overhauls etc - things get changes and we don’t get any compensation for basing our decisions on gameplay balance at the time.

Also here are a couple of suggestions to tone down ‘explosive spam’:

  • Have all grenades stay on the ground for at least several seconds, even fully cooked, to allow the other player at least a moment to find cover/go prone
  • Have grenades cook off in the hands of the thrower if cooked too long, like in some other games, making it a bit more high risk high reward

Add actual AT grenades models

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Finally, since the launch of OBT there’s no point using grenades over explosion packs because they work identically, now it will be worth to use normal grenades.

Hy all, i hope one day you fix the Molotov cocktail vs tank because they doesn’t effect on this type of ennemy. Or in reality you can destroy or made a lot of damage with this weapon.
Thanks in advance best regards devs.

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I would not nerf explosives. I would rather decrease their throwing range and increase fragment travel distance for grenades. And make smoke grenades slightly larger (larger smoke not grenade). And please add colored smoke so we can mark targets for our planes with something different than classic marker.


Make Grenadelauncher like 2 Weeks ago, 0 Skill at thd Moment

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Dear Devs…
i have a Video that shows the Problem at the Moment… You dont even have some Spawn Protection against…
Please Remove that Grenadelauncher Patch Complete.

Video only get 1:30 Seconds. its Enough to show the Problem.

Solution. Use Your Brillant MapDesign and make the Maps bigger.

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I think Explosive Packs should not be a"grenade" and it is more heavier than grenade so it shouldn’t effect by 8 yellow skill of grenade throw range and grenade pack can’t add its amount

It is the AI that needs to be improved.
They are always improperly followed.

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Yeah, which was used against tanks and it worked

Personally I think you are right about most of this. I would suggest though, that if a tank is out of reach from troops then the palyable area is extended to 20m behind the tank so that troops can get to it. It is not fair that tanks can be unreachable except by AT guns and mortars. Also need to be able to place markers on maps to gauge distances and target areas for things like artillery and mortars.

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It’s not the grenade launchers that’s the problem in your video. It’s the AI. The AI always has issues. Whether it be crawling in front of you, going from inside a building with cover, to outside a building and getting blown up or shot, standing in the open for no reason, and in general failing to use cover when advancing.

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you going to add ANTI-tank grenades and the jerry can with a grenade taped?
Also, you NEED to fix the spawn camping as in some of the matches, I have play in I notice that some or most of the defenders will camp outside of the spawn protection and continuously kill attackers.

is there a range bonus for german grenades which proved to be thrown further than us grenades?
will the german grenade still be a concusion grenade and able to upgrade it to a splinter grenade?

Don’t nerf the throwing distance. Would be interesting to change the explosion packs to “sticky bombs” where they would stick to tanks when thrown or have tank grenades.

I know its for a different conversation… but a more pressing issue is doing something about tanks camping beyond where opposing infantry can fight back and just murdering everyone with no care about being attacked. The easiest way to solve that would be to create an automatic radius that connects the tank to the battlefield where infantry would at least have a corridor to attack the tank or a “camping timer” where the tank would have to move so many meters towards the line within a certain amount of time.

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Correct, however my point was that you said that AT grenades should not produce frags yet you posted an image of an example that has 7 frags tied together.