Our Plans to Change the Explosive Packs

Another thing I would like to see, is differences between the hand grenades of different factions, like in real life. Probably hard to balance, but it doesn’t have to be 100% realistic.



I set up most of my squads for the current meta, and I invested heavily in explosive packs, whilst I think the change makes a lot of sense, I’ll potentially be stuck with a lot of explosive packs. It’s not the end of the world, and in fact its handy to have both in any squad. but if the meta is changing (and I think this is a good idea), it would be nice to re-organize my inventory a bit without having to spend more orders, :slight_smile:

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I agree. But, there is almost no difference between the Soviet F-1 and the Allied Mk.2. The m24, on the other hand, really should be very different, as it’s not a frag grenade, we can talk less about fragments, but it contains almost 3x as much explosive material.

  • One of T-28E’s machine guns is aiming in the wrong direction, which makes it almost impossible to hit the aimed position.

Please fix it as soon as possible!

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“what are your ideas on how to make thrown explosives better in Enlisted?”
I’d like to see more types of grenades, such as the Geballte Ladung for Germany and the RPG-41 for the Soviets. It’d also be nice for the British and Italian factions in Tunisia to have their countries’ respective grenades (No.36M Mk.I grenade and SRCM Mod. 35).


It’d be cool to be able to equip a Splitterring to the m24 for a different effect

Yeah, that would be cool, but I’m afraid in the end it would be like “unlocking grenade types” in campaign.

Should probably increase concussive effects of the Explosive Pack then.

The CENTRAL problem here is tanks are incredibly effective against infantry. Infantry anti-tank weapons are generally poor in the game and without TNT tanks would be unstoppable murder machines.

This creates two ancillary problems vis a vis explosive packs. One, you have to carry as many as possible to because a tank MUST be destroyed as soon as you can. Which leads to TWO your TNT packs need to be effective against infantry as well because you can’t afford to carry regular grenades.

I feel that no matter what you do people will still want TNT packs. IF you nerf TNT too much against infantry people are just going to complain about how unfair it is because of the CENTRAL point. Tanks are very strong.



My name is Conte Baracca and I support this message.


It would make big grenades bags relevant thought :thinking:
Could carry a regular grenade for infantry and 1 tnt in case you see a metal monster.

I’ve seen ppl complain here about some grenade spam… Yet I haven’t met anyone doing so as of yet :confused: perhaps it’s because I mainly use bolties and take ppl out from range that I see less but still… I wouldn’t remove the big bag like some suggest.

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IDK even with big grenade bags I would STILL carry all TNT in case I miss. And it would FORCE you to carry big grenade bags instead of backpacks or ammo pouches. I don’t see how to win with any conceivable method. I would prefer to keep the bias towards blasting tanks.

I also prefer having tank repellant on me at all time. To be honest, I rarely use grenades or even tnt that much on infantry, I pick them at range with bolties, charge in the cap, and when I’m in I use melee or point blank shots… explosives are too dangerous then.

I’m not joking, amongst all 10 available factions, I possess only ONE large grenades bag… that I bough by mistake thinking it was a large ammo bag…

Even better idea… OCEANIA SERVER!!!

Have you considered lengthening the reload? As in real life, most rifle grenades used either blank cartridges or ones with wooden projectiles to shoot the grenades. I think this would be a better way to balance the rifle grenades as the player will still be satisfied by the large explosion.


image of seven frags strapped together

I suggest to nerf the fragments of the explosive pack combine with its SHAPE. The explosive pack is a cylindrical object. In common sense, it will have more fragments on its sides, and less on its top and bottom. So I think we can greatly reduce its fragment spread area at the top and bottom, but just reduce moderately (or slightly) on the sides. This will cause at least 40% decline of the damage area, and let the pack become far weaker than grenade when cleaning a room, because its damage area have blind points.

And it’s not exactly a fully nerf for players throwing explosive packs. Because the damage of the explosive pack is different in different directions, it can still force the enemies near the explosive pack to move to a safer point.

Fragmentation properties mainly depend on what the explosive is surrounded by. For example, consider something like a frag grenade or a typical aerial bomb, they are surrounded by metal which will fly in all directions and go through just about anything in its path. Meanwhile some other explosives like C4 or dynamite are most often coated in a thin protective layer, and therefore don’t make any dangerous fragments. Instead they rely chiefly on the blast pressure. Also, the shape wouldn’t affect the damage radius of a simple explosive in any significant form, unless there are various thicknesses, materials, and/or air cavities involved.


Nobody has problems with dealing against infantry because there is plenty of other effective weapons,
but when it comes to tanks every one uses explosive charges because tanks are already a problem ,
In my experience ALL AT Squad guns are way more ineffective than just the explosive charges . be it because the lack of penetration , like all AT rifles, or struggle to aim , like Faust .
And does not mater how much you nerf the kill factors for tanks they will still camp if they can or find a way since their HE is very effective against infantry .
The only real way to solve this struggle is to sacrifice a little of realism and give fun to both sides .
For example give more xp to infantry squads that damage tanks , and let tanks sustain more damage but also repair form inside the tank with the exceptions of repairing the gun .
In my more personal opinion i just rather like more to get greandes buffed way more than have explosive pack nerfed since is the only weapon that is not under a premium wall or high level campaign struggle that balances the game or keeps it balanced against most other deadly arsenal in the game .


Please do not reduce the effectiveness of explosive packs in anti-tank combat.
And please increase the power of anti-tank mines; it is wrong that an 8.5kg anti-tank mine is less powerful than a 1.2kg explosive pack. The anti-tank mine is a weapon that should weigh several times more than the explosive pack in explosive weight alone.


This is why they shouldn’t nerf TNT too much