Our Plans to Change the Explosive Packs

Devs should make a poll, why dont give us a poll? How could such a big decision be made without a poll? Forum is only 5% of your playerbase or even less

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any plans to create chinese officiall website?

Good to hear this being looked into! The solution has been said many times but I agree with what is suggested - they need to be more specialised so both types have a purpose.

To go a step further, maybe the weight of an explosive pack (and backpacks/pouches) should impact movement speed too. Make it a decision - move more quickly or carry loads of kit.

Definitely agree throwing distance should vary noticeably between to two as well.

Also saw mentioned some kind of visual indicator regarding whether you have the throwing distance perk - I usually won’t realise and will launch grenades way beyond my target.

And definitely remote tnt in all campaigns please.

Plus with the tanks camped in grey areas issue - maybe once reduced in effectiveness against infantry, allow extra time while actively armed with an explosive pack to approach camped tanks? That way you can only really leave the battle area to approach a camped tank and would be prevented from really doing anything else, but could still tackle the issue.

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Thanks for your ideas and reactions. This will help us a lot in our decision.


Let us Sell Detpacks, Knifes, Pouches Pistols Mortars Flamethrowers, Scopes from Snipers Everything.

Nerf Detpacks:

  1. Change Description from 4kg to lets say 1,5kg. So the most Tryhards are quiet.

  2. Let them only Destroy Things like Motors, Chains, Turetts.

  3. Or make them not Possible to cook them.

  4. World Record of 4kg Throwing is 22meter, delete Throwing Perk.



  1. We have AT Guns BUFF them, M1 Bazooka is worse then Piat. Granatbüchse Optik is bugd.
    Pzb 38 and Pzb39 PTRS are only good as Sniperrifles.

  2. AT Mines

  3. Airplanes

  4. Engineers AT Buildings

Enough to Encounter Tanks, they just need Proofs and Buffs.

ENLiSTED got many Problems which are not getting fixed by bringing new more and more Content…

Some Pervers Bugs and Suggestions that Repeats over and over


Poll when?? Don’t make a big change like dispersion you did the last time. Players would take your game seriously only if you take players seriously.


redo the explosion animation to make it more realistic with white smoke and not black and add craters for the esplosive packs and grass for the grenade.add a grenade decoupage animation.

That’s fine. The PIAT had an armor piercing between 80-100mm (it was amazingly unreliable). The M1 bazooka, which could only fire M6 missiles, is up to 80mm. But this is the theoretical maximum. Only later did the M6A3 missile, fired by the M1A1 or M9, reach 100mm.

Watch my beast of a grenade launch! Teaching the enemy to not stand together! Spreading out at spawn would have prevented this. Lol

Good on me.

It’s the throwing of the explosive pack like as if it were a grenade that ruins it. Instead how about you light it drop it down and few seconds later kaboom! and grenades stay thrown. then both would be used as intended. Explosive pack always was weird in this game. whole squads just casually throwing explosive pack left right and center. instead would be better say left click, activate fuse 6-8 sec countdown till explode and that leaves you with 2-3 sec to put it down somewhere, Not throw it. This would result in more realistic and better use of explosives and grenades. explosives placed on tanks or here and there and wait for kaboom. and grenades used offensively thrown against targets

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Views on explosive packs and tank
1.I’m against the idea that explosive charges can only be used by specific professions, as some players say, because there are too many tanks, and every soldier of mine should be able to effectively kill tanks within 10 meters.Infantry is afraid of tanks, and tank men should be afraid of every approaching infantry.
2.You can increase the stun range of the explosive charge to the soldiers to make up for the reduction of the damage to the soldiers.


Never thought I’d say this but…

For once he has a good idea :laughing:

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its OP

For now grenade launcher is indeed a tad much.

They should KEEP current damage it does per grenade (realistic, makes sense)

BUT revert the reloading speed to what it was, making it slow to use and situational again.

If they keepthis fast reloading speed but nerf it’s damage down, it will just end up useless like it was before patch.


This is an amazing change and I am super excited to see it implemented. Maybe bringing TNT packs to the other campaigns will also help add variety to someone’s grenade choice.

In line with this change, explosive/TNT packs should also clear some ground (depending on ground type: road vs sand) with the blast. It would be cool to be able to create fighting positions in the ground by throwing them to create a superficial crater or coming up with a way to “plant” the pack in the ground like a timed mine to clear a bigger hole. If digging is getting added to all campaigns, this will help mold even the most barren of fields/objectives in crazy wartorn battlegrounds (side note: digging should be in all campaigns. Also points for digging just like the sandbag/friendly fortification assists).

I thought possibly limiting Explosive Packs to certain classes like AT/Rifleman only. Not everyone would carry a pack of TNT/satchel charge, just people trained in their use.
Expanding the selection of the many throwables/plantables that were used on all sides in WW2 could be cool.
Like a Bangalore Torpedo to clear obstacles for the engineer class.
Many different types of anti-infantry/AT hand grenades were used on both sides and all nations in WW2.
Allowing a rifleman/assaulter to carry a small magnetic AT grenade that could only pop a track or blow the engine vs an engineer/AT with a demo pack that could kill it outright if used properly.

Side note: This could be applied to the bombs dropped from planes as well. Certain bombs/rockets were designed to do certain things just like tank shells. It would be cool to choose a loadout for your planes with different AP/AT options.

Thanks for listening and keep crushing it. This is my favorite game of all time and can’t wait to see what you all bring to us this next year!!!

Ty but tanks are already way too stronk

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he always has good idea, don’t know what you’re going on about

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Or, for example, you could load the propellant. In reality, Schiessbecher, for example, uses a special ammunition to launch a grenade. Now it just flies out like modern grenades.
By the way, not giving an idea, but Schiessbecher could be used on the FG42 and in theory on the MP43 as well :smiley:


A whole new weapon unlock! Fg42 with grenade launcher!

Then 10 lvls after, fg42 with AT grenade launcher!!!


I think if that happened, wastedwoodsman have a heart attack.

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