Our Plans to Change the Explosive Packs

Maybe one day they will replace the model of the explosive packs with proper anti tank grenades from each side

I hope so.

Right now, my main idea - taking in consideration with what we have right now in the game, is this:

  • Increase blast wave for Explosive Packs for a rough 10, 15%, while decreasing it’s shrapnel dispersion heavily - maybe 20, 30% to make them less of a infantry AND tank killer which invalidates hand grenades;
  • Make Explosive Packs heavier. Increase their drag in the air so they move slower, and fall down quicker.
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I like the new idea, but for players who have bought a huge amount of demo packs, is there any way we can exchange them with grenades after the change?


I’d prefer reducing the grenade launcher to 1, unless you carry a grenade pouch. Small pouch allows player to bring 2, and big pouch for 3. But players can’t carry other hand grenades or demo packs.

Too drastic in my opinion

Your future change of each explosive characteristics is certainly a good start, also ability of exchanging packages for grenades

I understand amount of work required to make limitations possible, player could be given a choice whether they want to exchange their packages as you said for grenades, or exchange them for initial amount of silver orders.
My idea is limiting explosion packs which would prolong survivability of vehicles ingame. (maybe let ability of having explosion pack on every soldier exclusive to premium squad)

i often hear how limitations would help many things, but in the end it is mainly on your team, if you want players to be limited or you want to keep the freedom of choice and let players to equip them with anything they want. Time will tell if changing explosives will be enough

I have a question on explosives in Tunisia, german italian faction was also using italian explosives which were very effective, infantry grenades that could explode right upon impact and big hammer looking anti tank grenade which could also explode upon impact, will these gadgets be added in future ?

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How about… NO!

I understand the need to “balance” det packs and grenades, but with proposed changes, 60 grams of explosives and a little shrapnel (ww2 grenades weren’t very efficient shrapnel wise) will do more damage to infantry than 4kg of explosives?? Because concussion blast doesn’t kill or injure people, right??? ROFLMAO!

How to balance this:

  1. remove grenade bags, except for certain classes or squads (engineers, AT guys)
  2. greatly reduce throwing range of det packs, for example women’s short put throwing ball is 4kg, same as det pack, right? and the WORLD RECORD is 22 meters, mmmmkay??
  3. DONE !!

Thank me later :wink:


Latest updates.

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Thank you based devs.

I too wish to see them replaced.
No. 75 grenade, RPG-40/43, Geballte Ladung. hand-thrown anti-tank grenades existed and were used in all but the US.


all you had to do is put a 5 sec timer on throwing so you cant spamm multiple grenades OR DET PACKS


Do not change the flying distance of the explosive pack.
Rather, please make a bundle grenade with a shorter flying distance and more power, please.

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Interesting. Maybe with this change add the remote TNT thing from Stalingrand to the other campaigns?


The less powerful the explosive packs, the harder it will be to defeat the tanks. Especially with the Germans in Moscow, you will have to rely on anti-tank guns, which take time to set up, and anti-tank rifles, which are almost helpless. The German tanks in Moscow themselves are basically weaker than the Soviet tanks, so do not upset the game balance any further.


could you increase the weight of grenade and make it easy to use like explosive pack. its hard to control the direction of grenade.

Awesome to hear, for a good amount of time now there’s been no point in carrying a frag over an explosive pack but specializing them is a perfect way to balance that out


I have come up with suggestions long time ago:

Just copy what RO2’s throwable grenade’s behavior.

A special AT grenade for very decent AT ability. Very handy to use. But nerfed to poor anti infantry ability. (Which Enlisted lacks)

Explosive pack for UNIVERSAL usage . Short range & long timer but high explosive power to destroy both infantry and vehicles. (Or even able to stick to places)
Good old classic hand grenade. Zero AT ability. But very easy to control and accurate. And enough anti infantry ability.

Also, let explosive’s weight and amount you can carry matters.
Like explosives take more slots than grenades. Like you can carry 2 grenades but only 1 explosives.

But still.
Explosive pack is current MAIN way for infantry to destroy tanks.
This balance not only matters anti infantry strength. But also for tanks’ strength. Because, infantry may take less explosive packs with them. If use hand grenade like “supposed to”, and without grenade backpack, soldiers will lost all AT ability.

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I think it’s a very good change to balance the det pack and the fragmentation grenade. For the moment there is no need to use frag since the det pack are better in every situation, with the throwing distance the only down side.

To thing might still disturbe me:

  • If you cock a grenade or a det pack while you are laid, it will automatically launch it if you decide to stand up
  • There is no way to make a soft throw
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Give the option to sell more than just weapons. Backpacks, explosives, knives, pistols, etc. If we’re able to get compensated for it, I doubt there would be an issue if we can reallocate it to something else immediately.


I get it, I ain’t laughing but I get it. I will miss the good days of the anti everything terror brick dearly. That being said if they give us the option to attach it to stuff at it could more than make up for the nerf. Like you have to hug a tank but when you toss it, it sticks or something. Idk, sad to see the murder brick get nerfed.

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