Our Plans to Change the Explosive Packs

Yes it does look somewhat similar to Berlin.
The effect of explosions has been toned down.
But the devastation of bombing runs is way too disruptive.
Devs should know that in order to prevent paulus stukas from constantly bombing the Soviets, chuicov has his frontline sit as close as possible to the axis front do that the stukas would not risk bombing their own.

In this game, we have not medium bombers but heavy bombers wiping the whole fighting area.

This couldn’t be further from historical events


Hi,I’m a Chinese player.I love this game very much.
I have a strong hope, pls make a more reality explosive effect,include grenade,and other explosive. I hope you can make it like the game " squad",Thank you very much!!

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I’d like to know when this change will start, because there are too many explosive packs recently, which makes the gun seem to have no sense of existence

Did you guys consider solving it like WW2 Online/Battle ground Europe?
Instead of throwing the explosives on a tank, the player has to stick it to a weak spot. Like the fuel tank or ammo rack. That would likely be more realistic. A sapper charge does likely more than a bit of dynamite under the tank.

Problem i personally have with Explosive Packs is that they are a more effective AT weapon than a squad with AT Rifles.

Honestly it is going to be tricky to balance Explosive packs properly, well until we get some more grenade diversity like AT grenades because then we could convert explosive packs into satchel charges that are designed to destory fortifications and light vehicles

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But when/if explosive packs become less effective Vs armour than at weapons as these are now, Tanks will rejoice.
Explosive packs allow any soldier to destroy a tank . Which in turn makes at sqadds kinda redundant.
So if we going to nerf or limit use of explosive pack than we need to make at sqadds a tad more effective.

All my Moscow assaulter soldiers carry 3 explosive packs and all of them have the increased throwing range perk and I’m not ashamed of that, only way to effectively counter the T-50


Yeah you’re right we need Buffs to AT squads to make them much more capable to destroy tanks rather than every other infantry squad having explosive packs to screw over tanks

also if explosive packs where nerfed then players would at least consider the supportive grenades that would screw over tanks like smoke grenades

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Please, after changing the explosion range of the explosive pack, let one explosive pack explode to destroy the barbed wire

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Love Explosive Packs. Please leave them alone :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Hate Tanks. Please don’t make them stronger than they already are :angry:
Don’t make changes just because of a few whingers get upset too quickly :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
All about balance on the battlefield :heart_eyes:

“We share our plans in advance to hear back from you: what are your ideas on how to make thrown explosives better in Enlisted?”

Just stay true to reality, forget about balance, that breaks the immersion, strong point of this game, if you have real stats on how those grenades worked, copy and paste them into the game, it’s that simple

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Common sense wise, explosive packs are heavier then granades so range should reflect that.

Obviously the tnt amount on explosives is bigger so blow area should be bigger.

Some offensive hand granades release metal frags which cause different kind of enjury than air blow

and how do you feel about the semi auto fire rate nerf?

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they are not changing the damage they do to tanks, they are lowering the damage they do to infantry

Im sorry but i don’t like this change at all it sucks lemons, and having to carry mulyiple grandes is expensive and fiddley to use

The tnt amount on explosives is bigger so blow area should be bigger NOT smaller

I sometimes wonder what kind of moaners play this game and complain about everthing that kills them and try to get it nerfed just because they dont use that equipment


Still no reason to use Grenades. Tanks are too powerful.

(I’m resurrecting this thread bc it’s the most current on the topic of explosion packs, and this comment is relevant.)

This is the only acceptable outcome…

Players will always find reasons to complain, and they will complain. They will complain about everything except their own personal skill set. No matter how much something gets nerfed players will still get owned, shot in the back, out gunned, out maneuvered, etc… So there might as well be more authenticity allowing for greater immersion. For example, the AAA nerf - as excessive as it was, I took down 9 planes on Normandy, one of them took 5 hits to down! I had to hit with 25% of my reduced magazine in order to take down a single plane, without it overheating - I’d bet they were complaining, maybe even came to the boards, I don’t know and don’t care. AAA doesn’t work at all the way it should, and it didn’t even before the nerf. So, I’m not complaining, but I’m also not at all happy about it, to me it’s absolutely ridiculous. What it does do though, is force me to be a better AAA gunner - which will do what? Make the complainers complain even more… When does it end?

If I wanted to play Call of Duty, I would, but I don’t. Enlisted games are beginning and ending faster and faster, and it’s becoming much less fun. Basically becoming an 8-10, rarely 15-20, minute stressfest of being snapshot by players or bots that are never seen, and it isn’t fun. The game has a very large playable area, that players could explore and fight on, but they don’t, there’s no reason to. From obj to obj, straight and to the point, as fast as possible, good luck catching up (I’ve had mortar teams and tanks perish because the battle lines shifted too quickly due to multiple obj being captured so closely together.

Back to explosion packs - Tanks should be powerful and overwhelming to infantry, that’s exactly the point to their existence. I’m for dedicated a soldier class (that already exists) to be anti-tank, also engineers, planes, and of course other tanks. Everyone as AT because of packs, and the way their mechanic works, is trash.

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Complainers will complain no matter what.
True story

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players have right to complain cause the game is supposed to bring them fun. and when i see how authors wasted this promising game i will complain till uninstall.

What’s with this necromancy lately.