⭐ Operation “Silent Hunter”

Has anyone tested if one challenge can be finished (e.g. get 60 smg kills) and the next one started (e.g. get the first 10 headshots out of the 30) within the same game?

The task id updated wen the game end so you cant do multiple in one game

This is our unfortunate mistake. The interface was not designed for such a reward and displayed a standard information about the squad.

The promotional squad does not carry a premium bonus. Sorry for this inaccuracy. :frowning:


Remember when people who skipped the first 2 days in the Victory Day event (as was allowed according to the official announcement) got screwed completely when the rules suddenly changed during half-time and they couldn’t receive the final reward due to “interface error” too?



Keo, the current ranking point is almost meaningless. How about add a shop where people can spend these points for some resources like boosters, skins and orders?

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We plan to link them to bp in the future.


War Bonds???

he’s talking about spotty thinking like on battle pass I think

hmmm, would be interesting than the current situation anyway


anyway this mistakes shouldnt happen… its misleading dear fox.

warbounds was a feature in heroes and generals to gain gold over a certain period of time.

on the other hand they had , “warfunds” to control troops on a rts map.

i always wish this game had a war map where nation troops from every campaign would fight on a war map similar to any ww2 rts / heroes and generals.

where batles would actually mean something besides a win or a loose.

a player would need warfunds to deploy “assault troops” or “AT’s” for short and they would count as resourses to be used ingame. afecting the way batles would be played. if their side wins the batle they would took that city under control and defend it next round or push the lines to another one… amazing concept, badly and underdeveloped in heroes and generals , but all of us that played it, played for the war map.

would be the perfect usage of every campaign possible on a war map . in my opinion the trully end game of enlisted and the right direction to take the game on.

but thats just me. a man can always dream.


One day we will have parablocks in Enlisted as well…

Ahh yeah. Irrc they removed them cause they broke EU laws.


tasks in events in these kinds of games are usually setup for you to either dedicate lots of time to grind, or to open your wallet and skip them.


Ppl can say whatever they want: I had fun in H&G. Silly fun, but fun.

But yes… I’m dreaming about large campaigns rts maps in Enlisted too… it would truly be fantastic. Or something smaller like RO2 campaigns.

About warbonds, if they’re zbout gold, I WILL invest in some. I’m keeping my gold anyway since premium squads are overpriced… better have this gold “work” and gain interest instead of sleeping.


Not completely sure because of weird translations, but i think i was spot on lol

My genius knows no bounds


Well. Was a mix of coping and fun. Depending on the tank dms.

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First of all, thanks for making tasks over 2 days, otherwise some of them would have been painful. Nice rewards, good diversity, although would have been nice to have a selection of unique squads for each campaign, so when you unlock the task (e.g. the normandy squad), you receive a special ticket instead that you can spend on one faction of one campaign to get a unique squad, a bit like swords. Having to do tasks in sequence is painful, stop doing it.

I’m also getting two bugs since the start of the event :

  • the task counters (e.g. amount of kills for the task X) doesn’t update half the time after a fight. e.g. I had 12 headhots before the fight, in the end on the scoreboard it says 10 headshots, but when I come back to the task, it’s still saying 12/30 headhots. I do another game with 5 headshots, and now it updates counting the previous and the current one, so it’s now saying 27/30. Kind of annoying and could lead to misunderstanding.
  • All of my sqads in all campaigns lost their config (behavior, formation) and even after re configuring, next fight it’s all reset again… I’m hoping for the day you guys will be able to implement something without breaking existing stuff all the time, it’s very frustrating.

You’ll naturally get 30 headshots, it’s easier then you think.

AT gun kills, I mean except if you have 0 at gunner in your squads, it’s not that hard either, cause if you kill a tank with an at gun, it mean you also killed 3-5 soldiers it the process, so +5 kills. So basically you have to kill 8 tanks over 2 days, or a bunch of players with grenade launchers and a couple tanks.

Mid-operation feedback:

  • the inability to simultaneously or consecutively complete tasks within one match sucks a lot:
    1st game you get 59 MG kills out of 60, now you need a whole game 2 to just get that 1 MG kill, then in game 3 you get some XP, later in game 4 you get 3,999/4000 XP, game 5 is just for that 1 XP point, and then you struggle for an infinite number of games to get 2 victories because your bot-filled team is constantly being paired against 4-stack sweatlords;

  • last summer’s PPK-42 squad was given for 8 tasks, now the requirements for squads are 15 and 21, feels really long;

  • personal opinion, but profile icons are worthless and unnesessary as “rewards” at all;

  • BT-7A sounds okay but it was barely ever used in the war, and what’s even more surprising is that only one faction gets a vehicle (last summer US got the Rhine tank and Germany got a plane iirc);

  • strongly dislike the fact that if you miss even a single task over the course of 2 weeks, you know already you have no chance of getting the final gold order reward.

TLDR: nice event but I think it can be more user friendly, with less filler rewards and, most of all, more fleible towards the player’s time and schedule:


Okay so we still have to grind the soldier’s XP it turns out



there is no such class as trooper. if you meant rifleman, you should have wrote rifleman.

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So, fastest way to ger rifleman kills?
Stalingrad BAs?
Moscow AVS?
Berlin FG 42s?