Operation "Fiery November"

Just like Fw189? It is in same squad as Stuka, it is more collectible than an actual OP asset tbh.

So now every Allied player gets a new fully kitted squad with automatic weapons to spread havoc on the lacking Axis on Tunisia and their mp28s.

Sounds legit, after all, the Allied players did get a new fully kitted squad with automatic weapons to spread havoc in BERLIN, during the last operation event

Also sounds legitmatiER that Axis has to sacrifice their single vehicle slot (on f2p players) to use their rewards for participating in events.

GJ Devs, and dont forget to add nice squads for the Allied side in Normandy and Moschow on future operations…

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189 is actually one of the best bombers in Moscow
The bombs have slav seeking guidance lmao

Yeah but atleast its a different plane you know? Its not the exact same

This is different version. Its not same as different plane, but still. Maybe im wrong, we will see, but i think it will be in same squad as normal P47. Im looking forward to new threads about "“Where is my P47, i did the event!”

I havent really used it, soo i cant tell, still, isnt it better to take Bf 110?

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You are probably right. But its still really stupid

Honestly I have never EVER had any luck with the 110 so I stuck with the Ju87. But the 189 if I aim at something it dies ESPECIALLY tanks.

True, also won’t solve the FG-42 problem in Berlin. Though I guess the lack of Axis players there means people don’t notice?
Also AVS can be considered a FG-42 light but I have not seen major complaints about that so far.
Furthermore, people complain about the FG-42, but always seem to forget that axis troops would need a high capability alternative as allies still get the M2 Carbine for all troops. That always seems to be completely ignored and leaves a large “this thing killed me it’s op remove it!” feeling behind.

Though on a more serious note, how usefull will that LMG squad on Tunesia realy be for allies seeing as they just go stomp Axis anyway most of the time. Considering that you can’t switch out soldiers in those squads it will help with leveling the campaign faster (if you get a bonus with it).
The Axis soldier means you will save 1 silver there but it might be difficult to get good perk points with that soldier. Will also be a pain to level.
Also no ability to change squad so you could only have 2 squads with pioneers (engineers for english speakers) as a F2P guy. Could be a bit of an issue when you need a rally point right now.
So the Allied squad probably nice to have but axis soldier might be a better long term investment? Probably only realy when the balance in Tunesia changes and all the vets go Axis there.

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189 is so slow and agile that you can actually drop a bomb “inside an open” tank hatch. Hard to miss.
On the other hand it gets mowed by hand held weapons and is very slow to rearm and rebomb. Fun but not viable, Ju87 trumps it anyday…

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There is no bonus for that squad, its event squad, not premium. Soo it is just LMG squad with 4 guys.

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on the avs there are no complaints because it is uncontrollable in automatic mode and waste ammo, many choose to stay with svt or use him in semi-auto, the same for m2

Thanks for the info! :+1:

We’re off topic, so this is all I’ll say about this here.

Even if there was a decent population of Axis players with FGs in berlin, I don’t think the problem would be significant there. The soviet arsenal is good enough over all to deal with it, while the american one really just can’t.

It’s a better comparison than M2 vs FG, but it’s still not nearly the weapon FG42 is. Good news is, though, that the PPSh and good MG choices the soviets get do a fair job of balancing that scale.

Some do, not me. I want the FG moved to Gunners and the M2 moved to Assaulters, and I feel that’s all the balance that issue needs. Edit: Axis gets the STG for Assaulters. M2 needs some recoil reduction when/if moved to assaulters to be useful, and the STG shouldn’t come to troops as it sits. That gun is practically magical.

That was most of my point. Allies Tunisia didn’t need and won’t really benefit from another LMG squad. Plus, from a historical standpoint, it wasn’t an LMG, which bugs my internal gun nerd.

Yeah, this is not what Axis Tunisia needed.


I want the Jagdpanzer IV, the Pizzaiolo and the swords!


Very good update, thank you! :grinning:
The tasks are very reasonable and can be done by playing normally.
Even those who cannot play for some days, or haven’t unlocked some weapons yet, can get the full rewards.
And also we get some very welcome silver orders.
Really nothing to argue, well done!

Personal opinions:


  • It is apparently possible to earn all rewards by playing a reasonable amount of time, without the need to nolife for the whole event. This alone is a ++++++++.
  • Most tasks are achievable by playing the game normally, without being forced to do counterintuitive or RNG related stuff. Also a ++++++++.
  • Nice rewards.
  • Possibility to pick previously missed rewards (swords).


  • Tasks can’t be completed simultaneously, but that’s ok if the alternative was them being more grindy.
  • Event squads, although collectible, have limited usefulness sue to their fixed number and composition. Please consider letting us either upgrade them, or swap some of their unique soldiers to other squads, so we can enjoy them without sacrificing full combat/grind potential.


  • Nothing major, apparently.

An Italian Assaulter.
The other rewards are cool too.
Easy to do.

Yeah. I got nothing. I think this is just an all around good thing.

Yes, they was in Normandy, also canadians was in North Africa, but like trainers/instructors. I have canadian pay book what wrote in Africa

The have standart Battledress, nz regiment only lemon and insignia

Honestly, it should be a late-war jagdpanzer 38T “hetzer” as these were in production till the very end of the war and saw combat in the battle of Berlin. I don’t think it makes much sense to have an earlier version of the Jagdpanzer 4 with has an obsolete cannon in comparison to its later counterpart.