Operation "Citadel"

You forgot to compare Sovs and German snipers damage it seems…

The most important value with, accuracy (both are identical here) for a bolt action sniper rifle… :smirk:


I cannot wait to see content of the new update :yum:

German mains will be happy - FG 42 will finally shoot at full auto in default.

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R.I.P. G-43 Kurz

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R.I.P G43 Kurz aka. “Herr Kurz”
It was a big pleasure! :broken_heart: :saluting_face:

Never spending gold for gold order weapons again. There is no security you get what you bought.

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  • Best smg’s in every BR
  • Fantasy assault rifles in BR5
  • many many 100rd machine guns
  • superior semi autos

bUt wE nEeD tHe BeSt bOLt aCtiOnS toO 1!!!11!!


bolties is why i play WW2 games
well that and machine guns :innocent:

The soviet scout next to the tanker is wearing an interesting looking outfit, the ameba with a different top and cape.

I think it would be a cool cosmetic to add too :slight_smile:


I think i already have this one, but im kinda hyped for the Murata, i want to see ww1 stuff in the future.