Operation "Citadel"

On August 23, 1943, the Battle of Kursk ended - one of the key battles of World War II, resulting in a Soviet victory.

After the defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad, the German command planned to carry out a large-scale offensive using the latest tanks and aircraft to regain strategic advantage. Meanwhile, the Soviet forces were preparing to repel this attack, to weaken the enemy and complete its defeat. German and Soviet generals agreed on one thing - this battle was decisive, and their countries could not afford to lose it.

Lasting almost 50 days, the Battle of Kursk turned out to be one of the single largest battles of the World War II: it involved over 2 million soldiers, more than 4,000 aircraft, and about 6,000 tanks.

The victory in this battle came at a great cost to the USSR, but it put an end to large-scale German offensives and forced them on the defensive.

From August 22nd (13:00 UTC) to August 28th (13:00 UTC), you can get rewards for completing tasks.

For completing 5 out of the 9 tasks, you will receive a unique “German tanker” portrait, and for 7 completed tasks, a unique wrapped Mosin M91/30 sniper rifle with PE scope.


Phase 1 (August 22nd – August 24th):

  • Destroy 4 vehicles.
  • Kill 30 enemies with headshots.
  • Complete 6 battles.

Phase 2 (August 24th – August 26th):

  • Kill 10 enemies using grenades.
  • Kill 40 enemies using a vehicle.
  • Complete 6 battles.

Phase 3 (August 26th – August 28th):

  • Kill 60 enemies using a machine gun.
  • Build rally points and deploy APCs that will be used 30 times.
  • Complete 6 battles.


  • The tasks can be completed in the Squads mode.
  • The list of tasks is updated every two days at 13:00 UTC.
  • Tasks can be completed simultaneously.
  • Uncollected rewards will disappear when the tasks change.
  • From August 28th to August 30th (13:00 UTC), after the end of the event, you will have the opportunity to purchase any missing rewards.

Cool Mosin - lets hope this doesn’t get political…


Is this the same one as the twitch drop one? It looks similar to me






Nice that means I can have 2 when I make my low br lineup

The German tank commander portrait (from mech event) is unbeatable. You should have done a Japanese tanker instead of second German tanker.


Did they fixed the damage? I remembered it being worse than the vanilla version

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you can have 3 since the twitch drop had 2 different mosins:Twitch Drop gifts for the holidays! - News - Enlisted


it was only bugged for the twitch drop kar98k, mosin was always fine
but yeah it was fixed for the kar a while ago


Wish we could get a tank decal, largest tank battle after all


So today have another news for next battle pass?


Thats a fun looking portrait, nice

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Could’ve given the German sniper rifle too you know
images (3)


I’ll be blunt. Nothing interesting for me here. Maybe next event


Not a fashion guy then.

Appearance orders are always interesting for me.


This task again: buildbable MGs count, pre placed stationary MGs count, vehicle MGs don’t count?

You guys should really up the effort on soviet event reward guns a bit, this and red ppsh are basically just reskins.

That’s very meh.

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Also Allies, British and Japan should get some wrapped sniper rifles too
Springfield A4
Lee Enfield T
Type 97 and 99
And more

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oh i think i miss the ticket at the time but i will check i remember having 1 definitely but havent check