Operation: Breaking Dead is extended!

The event end today, but you have time until the 15th for get the portrait (at least is how I read it and from all other helper answer)


This mean the whole thing is highly probably gonna stay even after the 15 :thinking: (?)

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Yes operation is extended



They’re adding a new map or something.

Jesus, I wish they were so commited to improving the WW2 aspect of our zombie game.


I hope they remove or heavily decrease the fog.

I just wish I could actually SEE the gawdamned incoming threats, so I can snipe “bombies” an shooters from afar as I’m supposed to do.

Also, zombie paras dropping on players’ head while they’re busy fighting off a gazillion of charging monsters with limited ammo are just a plain cruel idea.


And a sniper cam be a good weapon for the mode


A dedicated teammate just to deal with paras as they arrive is a must


Team work

I personally either die to a poorly aimed bomb carry zombie or soldiers with weapons, sadly no team I was part so far prioritizes that guys over all other zombies that can easy be avoided

This event is really great but I have a couple of objections… Introduce more maps and introduce the purchase of all weapons. Greeting!

i just want the ANM2 stinger from the editor in the mystery box lol

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oh definitely it will help me hunt those pesky bomber and flametrooper better

it’s not a new map.

it’s fortified district with a bunch of lights and more fog ( and some objects / assets ) :wink:

think of it as a mod, but with official support.

plus, for being an april fool, you’re overthinking it.

Well, clearly over the last few weeks/months more effort has gone into coding zombies, modelling zombie types and making & selling the “haha zombie Pz IV J” skin than into anything that would improve the actual WW2 feel of the game since the merge happened last year already (admittedly besides the 251/9 Hanomag and UC, those were nice).

Even the (failed) Steam bundles included more and more and more fake stuff, namely

  • Pz Slf Ic – 2 prototypes built, never adopted?
  • M8A1 GMC – canceled project?

Sad :frowning:

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Extremely fun vehicle. Basically hellcat on BR2 gameplay wise.

considering that those are content that most likely will stay thanks to modders and mods,

it’s fine if it’s not for everyone. it doesn’t have to.

i’m sure there will be enough content for ww2 coming.

it’s not like we haven’t got any of those every other time period over the years…

because those are going to be extremely rare. haven’t seen a single one yet either to be honest.

This is what premium squad should have, prototype/rare vehicles.
Do you really like them monetizing those common vehicles like the Stug III G?


Yeah I have to agree with that making StuG G premium was a bitch move.
Also the panzer 38 shouldn’t be premium
Things like VK 16.02 Leopard and Panzer II J should be premium.

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They should add Stug III G to tech tree. But the later version with coax MG.

Yes, plus the training variant of Pz III. I believe it’s B, nut don’t remember exactly.
I still don’t understand why it’s still in tech tree, lol. This vehicle should be made into legacy tank, not Pz IV G.


Rare? Maybe.
Prototypes and fakes? I don’t think so.

Never said that. Stug, Churchill, Firefly locked behind premiums is scummy.

And even more scummy is locking whole game mechanics like Calliope.

The point is that over the last 4-5 months since the merge there’s been close to ZERO effort to bring the WW2 side of the game back/up to decent standards.

Just Horis, Tokyo Arsenals and zombie skins.

Meanwhile, for example, there are very easy steps that would improve the WW2 side which just require a couple clicks from a developer:

  1. Remove Stalingrad from high BR

  2. Move Volkssturm weapons to high BR, making them cheap and for VS role players

  3. Issue normal uniforms to all premium squads that do not correspond to the theater (VS in Tunisia as simple DAK, not in grey business suits, for example)

  4. Move Pz 4 J to BR4 next to its Pz IV H brother, where it has its historical place, and instead reintroduce Pz 4 G to BR3 as universal tank, which has almost the same characteristics and works for all periods

  5. Increase the probability of Tunisia if there is a lot of Italian/British stuff in the army and Pacific if there are floating tanks and sea planes

  6. Give all tanks adaptive camouflage to match the colors of the map & stars/crosses with random turret numbers and introduce a button “do not show custom stickers and decorators”

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I don’t know about any variations specifically produced for training. The B was simply retired from combat operations after battle of Poland and pressed into training.

Well, but Pz IV G is already BR3 lol.

Yes I mean G would take J’s place as the “universal” tank.