[Open-Sourced Development] Gavutu Zombies: Timeline Disorder - Learn how to create missions here together

Then what crashed the server, it just happens randomly for no particular reason?
My other mod dont have this issue. Will this be some issue with the tank?

some thing wrong in your entities.blk or scene maybe.

Most of the time wrong things happen in entities.blk codes

Most of the time it is caused by physics things.

And check your sever load. If server load is too high it may crash too.


Maybe try to reduce things in the map and try to make it tiny as possible with your kernel gameplay.

It is very recommended to spread your things in different files, which may helps you add or remove things to debug.

Specially when you are finding something broken your mission it will be helpful.


And try to use “git” to manage your code. some time I just add one wrong property on an entity. And server run will broken but editor still runs.

So you need to check one by one.

Git and Code diff with sourcetree helps me

And don’t try to add too many times in one update. Which may makes you hard to debug the wrong line in your codes

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it should have crashed every time when that thing spawns. But no its random (and zombies are not random). and nothing happens with the mod editor.

i know i am constantly checking it. Its running smoothly and just connection refuse when certain wave start

I m not sure.

zombie types generate should be random.

Try add just one type of zombie and zombie tank.

Debug one by one

And decrease numbers you want to generate

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Did you removed several identical seat codes in these vehicles?

There was another one.

I think it crashed before it could reached the appearance second tank, ta-se
Btw speaking of tank seats, i see that there are actually 2 sets of crw in each ha-go. Like when i kill the tank with ammo rack, sometimes an unnamed entity burns in the fire and dies

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Right! Ha-Go with 5 crew of course

TEST 29! REMOVED ALL THE TANKS. Oh boy, the core is taken out to be inspected

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Pls send latest code. I’ll check it.


I am at school right now. I will send once i am home.
In scene.blk i have removed all the tank spawners in zombie_spawn_mode and it no longer crash
You might want to add ha_go_spawner, ta_se_spawner, etc. to make them spawn

Also, i tweaked the ai_tank_objective a little bit after last crash. But it is not tested yet. For now i go add mroe zombies.

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Here you go. Anyone can download/copy the stuff in there for educational uses. It is not a popular mod so i don’t mind people copying it (and i don’t think someone would re-upload)
entities.blk.txt (69.2 KB)
scene.blk.txt (61.7 KB)
zombie_profile.json.txt (37.5 KB)
i have tweaked the player so that soldier in entities.blk so it can self revive
If anyone wants the most updated versions in the future you can download them in this drive link:
You can make comments if you want on drive if you have suggestions

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I am testing here. It is random, its not about the error or spawn point. i removed all but 1 tank spawn and it only goes to 1 objective.

wait, it crashes each time a third type of tank spawns

Can someone sum up the state of AI tanks out of the 115 replies?

…115 replies in roughly a week. Madlads.

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Its not adviced to use custom ai tanks (or any ai tanks) for now
We still need to investigate in whats wrong.

Also 115 replies consist only half about ai tanks
Others are mostly me stupidly fking up random things or ask for how things are coded

Ok weapon problem, how to get ammo for moon weapons. They are using the so called infinte_magazine and no, i want the ubermauser one we have in event that can buy ammo.

// Tried to _use the blaster_zombie_magazine but it apparently wont work




Edit #1:ok never mind i f-up something but the magazine size is too large. How to change?

Edit#2: Never mind again, i seemed to have find the solution


But then all the blaster that use this thing will have it linked as well

But then all the blaster that use this thing will have it linked as well

You need to override each weapon’s ammo array and create new ammo types to overcome this problem.

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You will need set unique ammo template names in gun__ammoHoldiers if you want to use different ammo amount on blaster weapons.

You can create new ammo and use another ammo template. But don’t forgot to edit ammo_holder__templateName.

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