[Open-Sourced Development] Gavutu Zombies: Timeline Disorder - Learn how to create missions here together

Yeah. You just need clean text field in level__blk and then write here %ugm/level.blk.

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i LITERALLY DID what the hell you told, yet not working at all, is the opposite!, is jsut errors!


Hello! Your problem is in the place, in the text. Do as I do. Open scene blk. Notepad - press ctr+f on the keyboard. Enter the word level into the search. FIND THIS LINE:




OR WRITE THIS LIKE I HAVE IN YOUR LINE level__blk:t=“%ugm/level.blk” your error was from the dot at the end after -blk

You don’t know why some things are not visible online, but are visible in the editor? IN MY CASE IT’S A GUITAR.

Because those things are not available online as editor might not be synchronized with the server


i changed the path to the originial, so instead to my mod file is to the originial levels file, than i copy and pasted your codee thingy, in other words replaced the old code with urs, than i launched the editor, than this shit happening, i cant move btw in such state

Um… Looking to error message… You a bit edit level.blk file? You not need to touch it, because I already edit it and remove volfog. BIN map file battle_of_moscow_volokolamsk_countryside_winter.bin already inside our game. I mean no need edit path in level.blk file.

I’m sorry that didn’t noted message before. Probably decor entities aren’t online entities/not synced if placed outside attached objects.

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It probably will not work in multiplayer, because you need edit profile a bit: change normandy_allies to usa.

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Yes you are right )))

Breaking Dead Remake but everything is free.zip (51.5 KB)

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I didn’t change anything or touch everything as I downloaded it. The only thing I inserted is your level blk. and prescribed it for the mod to work. I just thought that it would be faster this way and did it for him)))))

than how do i fix?

It would be good to see files/screenshots what you did. Because you kinda confuse me.

Well… Here is zombie map without fog. You can just download it and put it in userGameMods. But don’t forgot to a bit edit folder name. It shouldn’t contain any space between words. After that you should able see this in editor scene list.

i did what dardg told me to do, i literally even made the file location of level.bin be the originial it was, than the error happaned

how do i change CORRECTLY the greyzone so that the front entrance can be fully walk thorugh and not greyzoned? sicnbe you have a SHIT TON OF BATTLE_AREA_POLYGONS!

I OBV KNOW how to adjust greyzone, obv failed

This was wrong step. Nobody tell to do it. Why? Because you doesn’t have file in your mod.

Well… I prefer to use only polygons. Not create many battle areas. You just need to create poly_battle_area and set there battleAreaId. After that put around map battle_area_polygon_point. And set same id in battle_area_polygon_point_forBattleAreaId. All polygon points should be placed counterclockwise.


yeah but how do i change the greyzone, since the mod im modfying, already has polgyon point, but since these polygons are very confusing to use, is literally impossible to accuratly make it so that the battle area is extended

this is unrelated but:

so i made the an m2 stigner have 6k bullets firerate PER SECOND, i made recoil 0, so how do i modify the gun to have 200,000 rounds instead of the normal 200?

you know how to do such thing right?, also, do you know how to remove the overheating mechanic of the plasmafaust?, if u answer both these questions, well im grateful obv

EDIT: nvm founded it, if u want to know how, il send the code for both the m2 stinger and plasmafuast