"Not a step back!" event

Tell me, while avt 40 having so much more recoil, how is mkb42 having less recoil than a sub machinegun?

We need balance! The Soviet force in Stalingrad is completely a failure! Or don’t allow people to select their sides!


There are mods out there that plug into controller that takes away recoil and aims for head automaticly, and yes, without a doubt they ARE cheating

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most rigged “event” ever, Darkflow should change event name to “Spam MKb and stack your team to steamroll randoms”.

and it’s also a perfect metaphor for everything wrong with the game. maybe Darkflow will notice and make necessary adjustments? haha just kidding.

edit: the passive aggressive person that flagged this post for being fairly critical should get out of the house more.


It’s just not fun

exacly lol .

the point rework is actually good and makes sence, but man oh man. its a axis steamrl.

Go back to Berlin and enjoy your bot-farming easy mode there, but not in Stalingrad

Pretty realistic, that’s how MKB42 performs in the real life.

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The caps in the event are taken over too quickly, it is ridiculous, a new player will have no chance against an organized platoon…

Event matches are over in mins, where normal ST campaign last much longer and the fighters are far more enjoyable, people actually spawn CAS and tanks, but rarely on event… I started just to try and stop the MKB brigade killing everyone and everything in a few mins…

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No solo player will have a chance. Until recently it didn’t feel like you need “an organized platoon” to play this game. Now it appears to be a necessity for the game to be at all playable.

That’s pretty much the last reason to play this game instead of the competition - gone. Compared to Stalingrad, especially during the current event massacre, even 11 years old games look very favorably.


Since i posted this after the second day i haven’t encountered either of these two cheaters until today. MokpbleTpycuku is back and he is still CHEATING. DEVELOPERS WHY is this person not banned yet???

It is extremely obvious that he is cheating, he is using some type of AIMING MOD that aims for head, he instantly headshoots EVERYONE even from GREAT DISTANCES, let me say again, he INSTANTLY HEADSHOOTS EVERYONE, it is extremely OBVIOUS, why is he not banned yet? He plays on CONSOLE platform. Devs, there is software that can detect these type of mods available on the market, if you dont have any please get some. However you don’t need it for this player, it is very obvious, just watch him in action. He is ruining the event for EVERYONE.


People are exploiting easy score. Just need 1 friend/alt account and they can get over 5k score without shooting once

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What is the point of people just rushing through match capping, it spoils the fun, does it really make a difference from a scoring perspective?

Also top 10%, I’m rank 15, so it isn’t clear what this percentage means, I’m sure there are more than 25 people playing???

Does coz it’s xp devided by time.

So the more xp you make for less time you get more points.


1000 xp decided by 5 (5 min)
Or 1000 xp decided by 20 min. (devided by 20)

Guess what’s the best one.


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That’s the percentage on the top 25 placement. Not overall. Sadly it doesn’t show a label on the event stating that.

It makes sense, so all defensive battles are a waste of time. Let’s say this bullshit fits into the event, it’s full of it anyway.

Wow so totally ruins any good fights, just run n gun all the way?

yes, and no. my best scores (600+ batle rating per match) were made on defencive maps.

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Good for you, let’s say you don’t go far with it, the top10 for console people will be reserved as I see it.