"Not a step back!" event

Cuz they play against bots. It’s hard to make 500 + on average against bots you know.

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I have played this event and am on console, I can say one thing for sure, I am not playing against bots, sometimes certain players steamroll my allied team.

Feedback from event:

Some games opponents cap all points in under 8m, that is neither fun or fair.

I think grenade launcher may now be a bit op, now it’s much easier to use…

As for combined arms, it is very rare to get a good match with planes, tanks on the event, on normal ST campaign you can?

The Air raid is great and I really don’t want to change it, but it is very easy to get 100+ games with just a few runs and normal kills.

I don’t understand this event.

It’s rewards don’t appear being worth the required grind as they aren’t even permanent - for whatever reason. Why would I want to invest that amount of time if my reward just disappears after 6 months?

I played 10 matches, got bored and went back to the campaign I prefer to play. 40 counted matches appear therefor over the top to me.


This event was a disaster, why did you developers not ban the obvious cheaters from the event? How and why would you think its ok to allow them to play entire event? People that invest thier time and effort competing dont deserve to have cheaters allowed to stay in the events, not to mention the entire game. Was it too complicated for you to remove them or is it you just dont give a damn? I think its probably alot of both, get it together for hecks sake. I have lost all confidence in you developers, you need to start giving a :poop:
If i were your boss, i’d can everyone of you