Normandy planes dilema

Am i the only one who thinks that the planes on Normandy are missmatched between factions?
Let’s look at a couple of examples that stood out for me in the last 3 years of playing:

  1. BF110 vs P38.
    P38 is faster and more maneuvreable than the bf110. While that 37 mm on the bf110 is a beast if you get the chance to use it, the p38 has 4 50 cals, a 20mm and a crapton of ammo + 6 rockets that kill any and all tanks on the battlefield.
  2. ju188 vs a20.
    Now here’s where the whole thing gets weird for me.
    The A20 has front guns that the player can use, a rear gunner and some serious explosive ordnance onboard. This makes me think that the A20 would be paired better with the bf110 since they are very similar in size, performance, firepower and ordnance.
    On the other hand, the ju188 only has payload on it’s side, all the guns on it are manned by AI if they could be bothered to use them.

So if the bf110 would be better paired with the a20 then what would be the equivelent of the p38?
Well, if performance, firepower and ordnance is anything to go by then the FW190 comes to mind as an equal to a p38. Both have similar firepower and ordnance and while one is slightly faster, the other handles better.

What do you guys think?

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I don’t believe anything should be a 1 to 1 counter. Everything has its strengths, weaknesses, pros, cons, and roles to play


Irrelevant since merge is near.


Personally I find most people in Planes have very little Situational awareness, and are hell bent on some kind a suicide mission most of the time so I can kill them easily enough in the 110, despite its short comings

Cough cough Soviets struggling in Berlin with knockoff STG cough cough cough cough blood everywhere and they’re just missing a knock off MG42 Then they’ll have everything of the Germans at this point.

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Dont see any issue with the A20 and Ju. Was weird in the past because the Ju188 had no guns controlled by anyone and after bomb nerf, the 6 bombs were less effective to bait the Allied plane. Now the gunners are far better than their reputation, especially since they have 20mm cannons.
Bf110 is always a bit off. In my opinion it should be a counter to the P-47s since it it is equal and not equal. Because Bf110 is fine against bombers and A-20s but struggles mostly against fighters, especially the P-38.

None of thosr weapons are knock-offs.

You know what I mean when it comes to this so-called one to one philosophy in this game and somehow the Soviets are the exception for some magical reason.

Well, AS44 and StG44 does have the same stats.

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I think Just add more planes. more selection. No need to get caught up trying to match things up. Everything has its own stengths and weakness. Keeps it interesting

there is such a huge selection of flavour.

Twin engine fun examples





Only in recoil and dmg. Dispersion and rof are different. Also velocity.

Not really.

When it comes to 1 to 1 counters the allies and the Japanese and Germans don’t really have anything like that while the Soviets have long range medium range and close range no other faction has all that perks besides the Soviets.

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so here is the tricky part, it’s 6 medicore rockets (remember they did massively nerf the m8s and HVARS AT abilities) against a platform that has good HE in mk108s, good anti inf rocket that can deal with most tank with easy. so in other words it’s an attacker versus a fighter


Did not know that soviet had any paratrooper squad yet, let alone three, but yeah sure germany suffers of having the most numerous arsenal in the game so I concur that they can get the Maus and even a spaceship because they truly lacks any competitive weapons.

That’s not the point the point is factions are supposed to have benefits for playing that side and not have all of them while the Soviets have that advantage for some magical reason.

What are thoser nerfs?
I still kill as good as before with the P-47. If 30mm He can take out tanks with ease, I dont know why HVAR are mediocre now… at least in Normandy.
Pacific is weird though.

i swore that they touched HVARs. could be wrong eh :person_shrugging:

There’s no problem here.

Utterly useless against infantry, weirdly enough. Compared to the 37mm cannon which can score 20+ kills without firing a single rocket.

The M8 rockets on the P38 aren’t good for infantry kills either, they’re much better suited for tanks since they’re more accurate but have less splash damage.

Not anymore. The only way you can score a tank kill with M8 rockets after the nerf is with a near vertical or horizontal shot, which is difficult to achieve even if you know exactly where the tank is.


1:1 comparisons are for mugs, but since you want one:

110 rockets are an order of magnitude better than P-38 rockets, failing only in numbers carried.

That makes up for all the issues the 110 has should it get into a dogfight - a situation here it’s rear gunner will often get a kill delayed 5 minutes in the game.

188 gunners shoot down a lot of a/c, including bomber streams - if you are having trouble with yours then that’s your problem, not the 188’s.

188 has best payload in the game and can wipe out a score or more infantry with 1 load (since you like dealing in the extremes)

No it shouldn’t - it is fine.

the 110

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My experience is it is the 30mm get decent numbers of infantry kills - not the 37

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