Normandy landings Day

You need to be closer to your target when using the 30mm. It has less velocity.

But if you ARE a bit closer… all you need is one tap to watch tail and wings disintegrate. It’s great vs planes that can tank rounds well, like bombers.

Well when I played the K4 when he was released, often I hit like 10 or even 20 bullets and the plane was still able to fly like nothing even at close range and sometimes I shredded them with a few hits. that’s why I stopped to play this bugged inconsistent plane.

Panzer III M is another tank I like alot in warthunder. Anyone got recommend it for enlisted? funsies?

a) HLL has enough players for full servers without bots
b) the reason why they don’t have a million players is due to 20 minutes of walking and headsho out of nowhere, overwhelming mechanics, high dependance on mic coordination and poor performance on PC (high entry hardware limit).

Still dreaming of a BF1942/HLL inspired game without fake BS that Enlisted got infected with.

I got it since forever. It’s a great one, because ppl underestimate it (which is always a big mistake).

The added spaced armour works wonder (the part allies mains underestimate) and the canon, while small, pens really well.

Only drawback is the expected low post pen damage, but if you know where to aim, and I think you do, there’s no issue here.

Might be lowish br later… which will turn it into a literal powerhouse.

Also looks good, as well as the crew coming in typical almost uncensored attire.

I recommend. It’s fun and effective.

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Thats good enough for me.

I grabbed it to try out later

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Sooo, i grabbed the Tempest and so far overall don’t regret it.

It’s more or less on par with the late campaign Mustang (but cooler :dark_sunglasses:).

Flight performances are great, as expected.

In my experience so far, guns aren’t bad nor excellent; they’re just inconsistent.

Enemy fighters and attackers get shredded more or less as if firing .50s from a Mustang or P-47, which is perhaps weaker than expected, but still good enough.

Yet, for some reason, AI bombers soak up those 20mm like nothing.

I attacked an incoming formation, spent all my ammo, got some of them smoking but nothing more, they all managed to drop (and shot me to pieces in return).

Attacked another formation later, same result. Hits, hits, hits, still flying. Got annihilated by return fire again, a teammate in a P-47 got all the kills leaving me with assists.

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I bought the Firefly. It is OK, but I hope that someday the camouflage can be changed.