Night Playtime

I want that we also can play at nighttime on all campaing.


Grrrrr, not good in some building now for me, due to eyesight, let alone full night map, but was to come up one day. :stuck_out_tongue:
Well i will finally have a real reason to leave a battle.

We could have so many cool additions.

The rest of that thread has some ideas.

No thanks, the bots will see you in the dark just like they can shoot you through thick bushes and undergrowth :unamused:


Sure, I mean why not. Since they’ve said ‘‘bots aren’t able to shoot/see you through foliage’’ what can go wrong with night battles. Right? lol

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You can preview the experience on the new Normandy Factory map:

Yep that’s the one i have a issue with, as far as being blind as a bat now, walking, or searching enemys, just cant see em till, flash, then dead lol,
And pacific at sunset, in those corrugated buildings

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Just turn down your Gamma settings and play a few maps. Let me know how you like it.

No thanks. I can barely play in any dark rooms or areas already.

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Still waiting for that map to come up, lol
Sure you didn’t mean turn it up?

Illumination flares were fired only from mortars and howitzers. Flashlights were there, but they were crude and batteries were scarce. How to solve the lack of vision if no one takes mortars or a radio operator? There is still the possibility of placing lefrectors by engineers.

Too problematic and impossible to balance.

No please, fortified district hurts my eyes enough

Searching for and participating in a battle at the chancellery in Berlin at night, I hope you can fall in love with that almost blind scene :slight_smile:

Cat enlisted


At least they haven’t added flashbangs.

night time = you dont see shit
bots see all

not a good idea
SAD :cry:

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