News on the upcoming major update

that is a nice correction.

thanks for poiting that out;

so, actually, everyone will be able to join.

that’s unexpected.

which brings the question… what alpha tester people in the team do?



The OP post test server isn’t for alpha testers only.


We can’t disclose what alpha team do.

But, we do everything for a better game. That I can tell.


it literally says “we plan to open a separate server where you can test the new progression and leave your opinion about it before its official release.”, and says nothing of the alpha test team … That sounds like an open test server to me.

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yeah… foolish question from me.

i noticed that you guys acts as helpers, so it is still something productive and useful.


We do provide info for issues or answers when we can.

Helpers have a more important job than us on that regard interacting with the playerbase. I do answer Alot because I m very active here, on discord and so on. Just that.


Alright, this is answer to ‘information about the merge’ exactly? A preview of the dev blog which previews the merge. It must take a lot of work to make the dicision as well as the preview right?

Okay, to be honestly, I think I should lower down my expectation of the merge, not the quality but the schedule. I will not be superised if the merge is put off to next year.

Just thinking of a situation, you are in an exam and there is no time for you to finish the paper. So what is to do? Finish the easiest parts so that you can pass the exam, forgetting the score or ranks. At least they become honest this time, saying they are unable to finish the merge in the near future. I would not urge the devs anymore… because their abilities are limited at this level, they cannot achieve great things.

And I hope that alpha testers give more straight and sharp feedback if there is something improper. Since the merge will surely come late, plz make it a little bit better.




Same forlorn :slight_smile:


Can we get news on how will appearance change orders and customizations mechanics work?
Im sitting on 300 appearance change orders and can hardly restrain myself from spending them.

What you guys do, is a SMART and LOGICAL choice.

I will always support this behavior, always.

It will ensure the game is better for everyone without rushing things.

Good call! :+1:


But wait!!!

A new type of weapon? You hyped me now, what is it, tell us pretty pretty pleeeeeease!?

You said in the July post that there would be some information about the editor communicated to players in August.

It’s August here, have we had any recent news about the editor?

Such as the development progress about loading custom blk in multiplayer games and setting personal spawnScores for players weapons?


oh and idk if this is a good thing but maybe an environment gun could work? like an abandon artillery piece with limited ammo or something like that on a specific map of course. also it of course can be use on both side just like the aa gun on armored train

Probably just referring to new type of aircraft weapon which was already mentioned in roadmap.

Thank you for being so transparent, the fact that there will be a test server, that you are splitting big changes to base game from major update is also great news and shows a balanced approach to undertaking such work, look forwards to more news on major update and of course the big big fixes I hope! :+1:


I can predict with 99,5% accuracy that whatever this new aircraft weapon will be, within 2 days from its release there will be a flood of threads calling it unfair OP shit and calling for nerf and/or removal.


I would love to see some cluster AT bombs (without no significant blast radius).

But you are completely right. :slight_smile:

i mean it can only be a new caliber right? since we already have rocket and bomb or maybe it that gun that i dont know what it call

edit i didnt know cluster bomb was a thing

This is first what comes to mind