New Weapons: Land Mines

weather this is truee, it’s actually telling to the players that someone builded the AA gun, and can be used by enemies.

it’s a way to drive the attention to that particualy structure.

nice question if you ask us.

i wonder why…


I do not think the current grenade mechanics are fine. But they can be easily improved by adding a basic animation you see in Insurgency Sandstorm

You get a good indication of what your grenades trajectory will be by looking at the position of your players left hand in Sandstorm, and pretty much any other hardcore/tactical shooter.

We shouldn’t settle for the way grenades are handled when the devs could replicate this exact animation.

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yeah, i quite changed up my mind after seeing some questionable throwing.

i do back you up right here actually.

but as i said, i suggest you to make a thread about it. as you comed up first.

if you need some photos about insurgency sandstorm, or red orchestra 2, pm me in private. i’ll be happy to help as i can.


Thank you for your feedback. We have studied it and want to ensure you that there will be no possibility to ‘spam’ mines. We will tune mechanics so that it won’t be possible. Will disclose more details later.


Will the mines be tied to the player?

In BFV for instance you can only lay 5 mines, if you lay anymore after that the old ones despawn.

They got alot of flak for people spamming AT mines all over the map, so they implemented it.