New Weapons: Land Mines

In one of the nearer updates, military command will provide you with a new weapon type - anti tank and anti personnel landmines.


Land mines will not only be available to engineers, but also to other soldier types. You can obtain them through logistic orders in the same way as other weapons.

Mines can be carried in inventory slots like med or repair kits, and with the introduction of an improved inventory management system you will be able to set up and increase the maximum inventory load of a soldier at the cost of other carried items.


The land mine’s efficiency is directly dependent on how cleverly you locate them. There will be no time in a dynamic battle to create a lot of cover for them, so try to use landscape objects to mask the mine from the incoming enemy. Pay attention to tall grass, bushes, rocks etc.

The anti personnel landmine will detonate when something moves near it. And an anti tank mine will require pressure from a heavy vehicle.

Additionally, a well placed shot can detonate a landmine from distance, meaning one can use it to destroy enemy traps or cause an anti tank mine to detonate under groups of infantry.

Be careful and watch where you put your feet!


Nice! I wish I will collect a few. We need more tactical gear for sure



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I will say once again - land mines will lower the skill ceiling of the game as they will reward players for unskillful behavior.

Why would you spend time practicing your aim with grenades, or how to cook them, if you can just equip these and press LMB on the ground near a chokepoint and get free kills?

They will take considerably more skill/effort to counter than to use as well, and lessens the incentive for learning the fastest routes to capture points as those will be the most likely routes to get mined. It also will force players to move more slowly to inspect the ground before them, further emphasizing the meatgrindy nature of the game.

Sadly, overall, I do not think these will enhance the gameplay experience in any positive way.

Also, this is the second Geneva convention breaking weapon in-game (other being flamethrowers), whats next, poison gas?


Imo mines are fine

They are not skill-less, players will have to find ways to hide them


MInes can’t be carried in high numbers, I think they are less game-breaking than Mortars

Now I have one more question to @Keofox
Any proof that Jumbo saw combat in Normandy?

Why not replace this tank with a fast tank destroyer M18 Hellcat because it will be more realistic

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They are proximity detonated. You can put one right behind a door and close the door and “bam”: mine is concealed. Mines will promote literally the most toxic hiding spots, including stuff like on chimneys, in bushes, under tables, etc.

Another reason to implement open field maps

Will AP mines have friendly fire? Because without that there will quickly become very frustrating and disliked aspect of the game. Players will spam them on objectives without hesitation because the main disadvantage of mines will not be present. Irl noone would just throw some mines on The ground in the area where allies could detonate them.

Also enviroment where groups of bots are running around is not a place where mines would work properly. AI still needs a lot of work and they will propably never be able to spot mines and to around them.

Well even in open fields you will have to look very closely to spot them on high settings, so it also just benefits the low graphic setting players.

So is the jumbo confirmed now?

I was the first one to talk about it in the forums I want to see if it’s coming or no…

it’s probably coming

But I don’t like it because it was not used in Normandy
Why not add M18 instead?

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War is an unfair thing.


If you want to introduce mines, will we get mine detectors at least? Or bayonets to check the ground in front of us?
Also please change AP mines to not have proximity detonation, instead give them some kind of a line or sth to trigger them. Otherwise, every corner will have a mine behind, that will be impossible to defuse not dying.
What’s the behawiour of the AI squadmates near the minefield? Will they run on it (like they do now) causing detonation or they will try to avoid them, informing the player that there is a mine?

I hope that dmg is not large enough to kill half of the squad at one go, that’s my biggest concern.

Hello keofox I got question about the mines, if mine explod will it do damage to all soldiers near it? Friendly and enemy? And can it be activated by friendly forces?

Cus if you compre M18 to tiger, tiger got armor that can protect from M18. The M18 can be Destroyed by the HE ammunition on the tiger. Jumbo sherman is more comparable to the tiger overly

In that case you might as well add the MG34, KV-1 and T-34 for Moscow, Tiger 2 and MG42 for Normandy, etc.
I was under the impression you wanted to make an enjoyable, fair game based in reality.
But if you work under the notion that stuff doesn’t have to be fair, all bets are off.

Also explains why some premium squads are so blatantly OP.

Don’t have to make them fair to play against if war isn’t fair comrade :)))
Just pay for them if you think they are unfair :)))

Trying to use the fact that war is not fair as an excuse for this kind of stuff opens so many cans of worms that should never be opened it’s astonishing.

So all americans get M1 garands. Let’s be accurate right?


Don’t forget all the late war German tanks breaking down every 100m they traveled :)))

“War isn’t fair” is honestly the worst excuse I’ve ever seen from a ww2 related game dev studio.

If they even had fuel late war. All German vehicles now can only travel 3 miles

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And the crew cannot be leveled beyond level 2 because they were send into the field without proper training :)))