New Weapons: Land Mines

Mines are a fact of war. In Vietnam we also had booby traps.

So was poison gas. So was napalm throwing tanks with 120m range vaporizing everything in their path. So were breakdowns of vehicles. So were fuel shortages. So were ammo shortages. So was friendly fire.

Are we adding all those things too then?

Just because something existed in WW2 does not mean it will be enjoyable to have in a WW2 game.

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Honestly, this is probably the worst answer possible coming from someone from development team in such situation.


Exactly my point.

Why should we concern ourselves with making the game enjoyable for other players? War isn’t fair comrade, I will simply continue using my OP premium squads in the most cheesy and toxic way as I can because I can get a few more kills that way while simultaneously ruining the fun for literally every player on the enemy team :))))

You really want to not give MG-34 to Moscow

Plus a lot of players want the “war isn’t fair” balance

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This mechanism is still under development. More precisely, it will be known for the release.

Using large text doesn’t make your messages more visible. let’s respect the participants in the conversation.


OK. Let me answer you in a more direct text.

You cannot throw a mine at the window.

You cannot throw a mine over the fence.

You have more grenades than mines (at least for now).

Mines are another weapon. Not everything with explosives can be compared to grenades.

You have rifles that shoot grenades, you have mortars and even high-explosive shells from tanks.

But you have compared it. This is just weird.


Sure it is another weapon. A weapon that encourages passive and/or toxic behavior. I am expressing my concerns towards that and you just brush it off by saying war is not fair. And you did it in such a way that it can now also be used to brush off ANY concerns towards the game.

Premium weapons P2W?
War isn’t fair.

Huge balance issues with one side getting OP stuff?
War isn’t fair.

I really hope you see the issue with using such excuse.

We are not playing a war simulator. We are playing a game.

Will the mines be different according to each nation?

I mean like, germany having a larger blast radius due to their manufacturing potentially taking out multiple soldiers in one go, while american ones have a smaller blast radius, that sort of thing. Or will they be introduced as a copy-paste damage model across all nations?


I don’t know what is wrong with Tcat

Plus @5762269 wants to get rid of MG-34/42 which was an iconic weapon

But I have a question:
If you say “war isn’t fair” why are you developing almost symmetrical teams

For example: Sherman Jumbo
It never saw combat in Normandy but you probably add it to counter Panthers

Instead of balancing teams in Normandy in an actual historical way

Like giving Germans better bolt action rifles but less semi automatic rifles…etc.

So please don’t say “war is unfair” if you’re making a game that is quite fair

I think they are all mirror balanced


At this point i’m convinced Tcats idea of a balanced game is to give everyone the same weapon, same ROF, same damage, same everything, just make them mirrors of each other and you get a “fun and engaging game”


There is nothing wrong with me.

This is my issue. By saying this, he is giving himself and the entire development team an infinite-use FREE PASS to make ANY kind of design mistake as long as it is somewhat historically accurate.

Do you want them to use this as excuse to make premium squads even more OP?

No, all I have ever said is that I want there to be an equivalent weapon on the other side. For example, MG1919 for USA or DP-27 for Russians, and that they should not make all previous equipment obsolete as that will only further oppress new players into not wanting to play the game.

No, my idea of balance can be summed up by PPD vs MP.
Different, but not inbalanced against each other.
My issue lies with stuff like MG30 vs Chauchat, or MG30 vs Madsen/MG13. The MG30 is OP and should be nerfed.

Then why do we have the ability to enlarge text? If we are not supposed to use it to highlight the most important part of our posts?

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Mines will kill or only wound / down enemies?
(History of mines in BF series suggest 2nd solution.)

and what was desing mistake now? AT mines are one of best additions in this game

So yes then, you essentially want mirror games where the only difference is the weapon skin.

You’re more toxic to games than anything. If a gun was historically strong, I expect it to be strong in the game as well. Simple as that. Stop trolling.


No. Currently Normandy is only for US and those never actually fought tigers in France… with that logic you can already gib them to Moscow because it wouldn´t make any sense at all anyway.

As for mines I´m really concerned what anti-personnel ones are going to do to a cap based game… All people would need to do is to trap routes to the cap and farm free kills.


Is PPD a mirror weapon compared to MP? No. I simply do not want one side to have a significant advantage over the other.

It can be strong, but unwieldy. MG42 can have the high fire rate, but have very high recoil. That would be perfectly fine, as it would force you to deploy it instead of shoulder firing. It would allow for a fun and different way of using LMGs when compared to stuff like the BAR, which is much less powerful but can be used from the shoulder with ease. And that way, you achieve balance.

I don’t see how this is trolling.

The developers said themselves that the D-day map is an amalgamation of all of the D-Day beaches. As such, it would make decent sense. And of course, above all, “war isn’t fair” comrade :)))

No need to speak, that I brush it off, You cannot read my mind. I try to answer your questions and take into account the comments. If I want to brush it off, I’ll ignore you.

I also ask you not to change the meaning of what I said, so that our relationship remains trusting.

You gave an example and obviously didn’t get a specific answer to it. You compared that. that it is wrong to compare. That’s all.


I don’t get what are you even talking about

DP-27 was announced in the last devlog

And as such could open up the addition of the MG34 in Moscow. Again, for like the 10th time, I am not inherently against the addition of new weapons. You just keep repeating it because I did not want to see them implemented in that one way you suggested.