New transport vehicles

Italians used as much German kit as they did their own.
Certainly when it came to Motorised Transport.
In fact, there are stories in the Desert War, where the Germans took the Italian trucks and ran, leaving them behind and vice verse. So just because it’s a BMW motorbike in DAK livery, doesn’t mean it’s in German hands.

No, its not… because this: Campaigns - Enlisted exists, which makes things pretty obvious. At this point I don´t have a single doubt we are going to grind Germany again, only with some Italian weaponry thrown in for a good measure (pretty much like in Normandy).
Keofox probably only answered on concern about exp when grinding same nation over and over again.


If you see the devlog about Tunisia campaign on news part on the official forum, they show the british and the German flag. So yeah. It’s expected to be ge VS brits.

There’s a 1/10 chance that you’ll even meet a tank, let alone be surprised by it (they’re really noisy), since most enemies are infantry.

I think the solution for regrinding factions in another campaign is to make that campaign just overall more unique, I see some weapons being seen in multiple campaigns that really should only belong in a single campaign, such as the AVS 36, ppd40, flamewerfer 35 should only be present in battle of moscow and not be present in Battle of Berlin. Battle of Moscow should also feature some vehicles which I think we potentially may see such as the armored car like you suggested and BA-6 for Moscow.

this campaign thing is quite old to be honest.

and devs ( or the game leader developer or who else is in charge ) change their mind almost every months.

an example was the march Q&A. where prototypes weapons were supposed to be rare, and now, you can buy them at your own willing.

weather for this campaign, we can still have italians.
although, only time will tell.

and i think the fox just told you to keep an heads up to the UPCOMING news ( just like MikeGoesBoom over twitch said )

I really, really, really hope we get Italy instead of Germany. Or mostly Italy.


Why is that a problem? I play for Germans 70% of all time, I like their equipment. :slight_smile: Although even I cannot understand why we still didn’t get the famous mp44 or stg44. I believe that in Tunisia, there could be the British on the side of allies with some new famous guns (carabine de lisle?).

Also, in the future, they might add a Pacific campaign, like the battle of Okinawa or something. Japanese with Arisaka type 38 rifles and Nambu pistols could be great…