New transport vehicles

We are currently preparing for Enlisted’s next major update and this devblog will be the first in a series of several publications about the new and upcoming content that is soon to be released. Today, we show you a new means of transportation, useful to all players fond of using various battle tactics.


Not only are these new, speedy vehicles coming to Enlisted, but additionally, special motorcycle squads with improved motorcycle models and the ability to change their roles by adding specialists as desired!

Deliver explosives to enemy tanks, build rally points in unexpected places, or develop your own tactics by using motorcycles as a fast, personal method of transportation.

There are also squad motorcycles which not only act as a mode of transport for 2-3 people, but also a mobile machine gun nest. You will be able to simultaneously drive and shoot.

In some missions, all combatants will be able to find and use regular, unarmed motorcycles located near their spawn points. Take advantage and become mobile!


Boats - another way to quickly deliver you and your squad to places the enemy will not expect. They will hold up to 9 people, so be sure to bring the full squad along.

Boats and motorcycles will be available in the next major update. We will continue to reveal further upcoming content in the near future. Stay tuned!


Nice teaser, that German motorcycle implies we are getting Germans in Tunisia - can’t wait to grind the kar 98, MG 34 and the mp 40 for the 4th time! And then randomly acquire the guns via the bronze cards for another campaign, again!

Community: We want a campaign overhaul, the current system splits the fanbase and demoralizes new players!
Devs: B O A T S


If i can ask with the next major update the experience boost will be introduced, to be able to more easily bridge the difference in levels in the various campaigns?


for the love of god montresor! Transport/Light Vehicle squads! Now all we need is the 231…


Motorcycle squads? Colour me interested!

Agreed, grinding Germany for 4th time is just as awful as it is deeply disappointing. We seriously need some kind of mechanism that would make up for it.


Follow the news.


.>DAK motorcycle
.>we will add this in next update
Tunisia in next update confirmed

Not sure this is a sign that we will have to grind Germany for the 4th time or that Tunisia is just around the corner. Italians can ride motorcycles too and there is very little water in Tunisia.

Why Boats??

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Also not sure that I like the idea of being able to build rallies in unexpected places … this sounds like it could become terribly OP

if we get spaghettis mixed in with jerries in tunisia i don’t mind grinding through some of the same stuff. Here’s hoping for churchills and M3 Grants in time

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Bro you can do it righ now, just with car. On Swamps it’s the only way to win

I’ve waited for it !!

Motorcycle squads, seems that we might have motorised infantry in the future.

But tbh that makes me happy the most:

Finally some info!


I agree we are badly in need of some kind of road map …

I do really wish they would do something about planes … Maybe we will get some kind of AA vehicle …


We are not far from having dedicated AA vehicle at this point imho. Which might not be a good thing considering their insane potential against infantry and low rewarding plane kills.

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Wow that seems really nice and the models look very good, good job.

Only thing I got against adding those is the map size… The maps are too small for very fast vehicles (motorcycles).

But you said you also add motor boats(the more interesting part), so maybe map expansion?
Another option is Tunisia, the leaks showed a lot of water so… Probably this update will get it.

Can also be expansion to airfield of course

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are we gonna need to be level 30 in any campaign just to unlock them?

Will be used to rush capping points so…

Well,why not but it would be more tactical on larger maps.

but how useful can a team of three soldiers be?