It is just bad, like putting MK 1 Grant at tier 3 (against Ho-I), putting VG 1-5 at tier 3 far before even the Pre-War Kar98, VG 2 being tier 6 is a joke, as its hopelessly outclassed even without brs in Berlin, Italian racism Armaguerra 1 tier down from Gewehr 41 AND Gewehr 43 being at the same br? Japs have literally ONE WEAPON at tier 6, good flamethrowers not even rank 9 or 10, 60mm (or 50 I dunno) M2 mortar is higher br than ROKS-3? Rifle mounted grenade launcher tier 4, my god, must be so much worse than its majesty VG 2, the whole thing is just a bad joke and painful to look at. Its like a fraction of what I saw withing seconds of what I`ve noticed. Also having 10 tiers wont fix matchmaking, might as well make 10kk of them.
Also you can add your own criticism under this post.
New progression system will kill the game.
No one (a new player) will grind 8 from 10 levels to unlock M1 Garand / Gewehr 43, this is just ridiculous.
Imagine - spending 80 % of the game using crap bolt action rifles. I would delete that game from PC.
There are plenty of problems with it, for example I think it takes far too long to unlock the mp-40. However, I think it could be a lot worse for a first draft. Decrying it as awful is not going to help anything, if we can make a comprehensive list of changes we would like to see to the tree we might actually get somewhere with improving it.
Didn’t even think about that, you’re right, and that’s terrible. M1 Garand is a standard infantry weapon, why is it treated like and end game weapon?
Wow. This tree just needs to be redone completely. I can’t see any way of salvaging this.
The Johnson rifle and should be high tier, Garand mid tier, M1 carbine mid/low tier, and m1903 low tier.
the new list was not finished yet, its a draft, so, its not the final desing of levels
Hi, it’s not the final list, please focus on one/2 weapons at a time, that will make it easier to collect feedback:)
Make it based on 5 matchmaking teirs or less
Garand shouldn’t be at super high tier, but not too low, so around mid tier.
Okay, and then G41/43 and SVT-40 should also be moved down in the same way?
My suggestion is to place all bolt action rifles up to tier 3, and semi-automatics at level 4 and higher.
It is true, that they were used in early stages of war, but - in the game they are only some sort of “warm-up” before unlocking better weapons.
Also - majority of the maps (in Berlin and Normandy) is not suited for a long range shooting, so this makes them useless.
Yes, semi-autos should be moved down on their list, from high tier to medium tier, while assault rifles and fully automatic battle rifles should kept at a higher tier.
Ok, instead of looking at the bigger picture, I will see what can be done with singular items:
All of these under the assumption, that the devs don’t also plan to buff or nerf some weapons.
Also, I’m leaving out Japanese gear completely, because I’ve only played like 5 matches in Pacific.
VG2 is a crappy gun with nothing going for it except mag capacity. It can take the empty rifle spot in tier3.
Shotguns are less versatile overall, than SMGs and not much better even under the best of circumstances. All of them except the Auto 5 should go in tier2. To make room in Germany’s tier2 SMG area, take out the Beretta and put it higher. It’s an excellent gun, even with the smaller magazine.
M3 Stuart with flamethrower in tier1? Isn’t that a bit cruel? Raise it by 1 or 2 tiers (ok, I don’t actually know how good it is, but I know the Stuart and I know flamethrowers). There are other crappy tanks from the Pacific campaign, that still don’t have a home and can take that place.
Why are some rifles in the same tier as the very same rifle with grenade launcher? Grenade launchers should be higher. (Or rather, the rifles should be lower. More on that in a second.)
Everyone seems to agree, that semi-auto rifles are too high. I kinda agree. Also, why is SVT-38 on the same level as Armaguerra and M1 Carbine? It’s clearly better than those. Lower M1 Carbine and M1 Garand by 1 tier. The Grenade launcher versions stay in their current place. To make space for M1 Carbine, also lower SMLE Mk III. It has no business sitting next to the clearly superior Enfield No. 4, anyway. Lower Armaguerra and Gewehr 41 by 1 tier. G41 would remain totally unloved next to its direct upgrade, the G43.
Machinegunners can be made available one tier earlier, since early machine guns really aren’t that strong.
Radio and mortar squads should be swapped, because radios are easier to learn for newbies, than mortars.
Be merciful on Soviet pistol users and lower TT by 1 and TK by 2 tiers
Ofenrohr is much better than Panzerfaust 100, despite lower penetration. It has much better range and can still kill any enemy tank with ease. It totally negates enemy armour on all but the most wide-open maps. Raise by 1 tier.
Now looking at equipment, I like what I see. Except explosion packs or at least TNT should be made available right from the start, so that newbies aren’t helpless against tanks.
Sounds good
A couple problems I noticed are
- Engineers at tier 2
- Light tanks at tier 1 while TNT is tier 2 and explosion packs are tier 3, meaning tier 1 can get uptiered into facing things like the Grant or T-50 with nothing to answer it but an AT rifle.
I think really fast firing bolt actions like the Type 38 and Winchester, as well as all 10 round capacity bolt actions should be at 4-5. But I agree, aside from the Sniper Lee Enfield I don’t think bolt actions should be 6 or above.
throw this entire tier idea in the trash and start over
not going to help fine tune a turd
it’s going to be a turd no matter how you dress it up
The Issue with the game was that there was no infantry only mode and rifle only mode, just add that as a separate game mode for players to enjoy and be done with it
this entire br system is just going to kill the game for me once it’s implemented
no point playing a game that spits in my face after all this time of making it about unlocking new things to finally feel like I have an advantage over some players, only to have all that work thrown out like it was nothing
so if this continues, will likely end up uninstalling, because this is not how I envision playing this game in the future
enjoy it now while it lasts
I think the AVS could stand to drop a tier, and the MKb (H) is thoroughly mediocre. It’s actually worse than the MP-40 at all but the longest range engagements. It needs to either be equalized with the Sniper MKb rate of fire or lowered in BR substantially.
It’s actually pretty bad. The flamethrower is far less effective than those of the Stalingrad flame tanks.
Grenade launcher bolt-actions should be tier 5-6, right with early semi-autos, grenade launcher rifles are superior to their counterparts even in stats, and grenade launchers are strong at any stage of progression (I equip all my marksmen in new squads with them, 3 launcher people are scary), what I am trying to say, there should be a choice on the specific br range between a semi-auto rifle, or a bolt action with gr.l, because if they stay at tier 4, any marksmen in a match would have it, and I dont think this many grenade lauchers is healthy for low tiers.