We’ve beeen on slippery slope of p2w premium squads and their power creep since the game started open beta. From small advantages of unique weapons, to to rocket tanks with no f2p equivalent (to prevent them from being spammed, and yet they are still spammed), to now darflow’s magnum opus.
Instead of f2p having benefit of freedom of squad composition and weapon choice, we’re going full circle into f2p squads being only event ones with preset guns, and now premium squads have the ability to change their weapons.
And since it was dubbed that squads unique feature, you can guess what that means for future of paratroopers, at least in their current plans. With no mention of adding paratroopers to progression even when asked countless times.
If this is truly direction this game will go forward, where new classes are limited to event squads with limited choice of guns, and premium squads offering what used to be this game foundation, maybe i shouldn’t even bother writing this.
After all there can be no p2w in game where bolts can one shot too, even when those bolts will fight paratroopers and mechanized infnatry with their event wheelbarrow.
tldr: If game flips the script, and only premium squads have choice of guns and f2p/progressions squads of future classes are restricted, thise game is over for me
I see them every second match, and i don’t even count the ones my friend uses.
Keep in mind, Normandy is most populated camapaign, lots of fresh blood plays there.
Add BR that keeps those new guys separate from Calliope on high BR, and what do You get on Normandy top BR?
Para and rocket spam.
Even now when i see teams with lots of vets the chance of seeing rocket tank is 90%
This is the same joke like a Beretta 38 with 20 rounds mag. Or the body armor of the Russians. They can go on like this. Let’s see who is still willing to play the German side in the future.
Up to now, I have not had the impression that there is any bias here. However, I can no longer resist this accusation. Apparently there is something to it. This would not be good for the game. The developers should really watch out in this context.
This kind of thing is very quickly circulated in the community and can kill a game like this in the medium term.
There was another russian paratrooper squad with fedorov automat. So most likely that will be the event one which will allow you to switch out weapons. As for the Calliope they could easily add this as a free version of the calliope
and this for the axis counterbalance
Funny that they screwed people who bought the Old Premium squad and send them to high BR
“Sorry but buy this another 50 bucks premium squad to play that BR instead, Oopsie”
The game has no balance, and is one power creep after another power creep, the logical progression from 100rnd drum SMG and MMG, is of course AR for Paratroopers, not any AR, but soviet AR to be the next power creep lmao
I have the calliope and the 15cm. Colliope has huge stamina. The 15cm blows its load fast. I enjoy it but less killing potential than a normal tank so i rarely used it.
They hate when Soviets would get even a single disadvantage, it’s a miracle that Tiger 2 is still that strong, while every single thing other than that tank is inferior on Axis side. Not only they took panzerwerfer 42 from BR3 but also Dicker Max which was bought by people to counter op KV-1 and now they can’t. Every single thing in this game is all about soviets and giving them more and more op toys while giving a single scrap once a while to the Axis. Then they will be surprised why nobody plays low-mid Axis BR.
Can’t wait for another AR gold order for soviets that will have 100 mag size while same dmg per bullet as AS-44, but 30 less rof because it will surely shut up people from complaining. We just can’t have them not being op - DF.