New Missions and Dynamic Weather for the OBT Launch

They said there is ice, but the holes were made by artillery.


They need more scenery on coldness, snow and ice to meet people’s thought on moscow 1941. I think the 1941’s winter has the record low -40℃ weather, which the river must been frozen.


this looks amazing!!! This has been the hardest wait ever!

Keofox thank you for ignoring all the negativity about P2W, I have faith in what you are doing. Also good to know mgs will be replaced, I won’t flood that topic, I trust you. You did mention Berlin, is that coming on 8th or at some point soon? Any update on other campaign or is Berlin being done first?

Keep up the brilliant work! :metal:


I like what I’m seeing. Just please keep the dynamic weather visual only, not interested in having my soldiers movement speed grind to halt because of mud or deep snow.

The snowstorm/fog should be added to the Conquest maps for Moscow too, as there are many spots where players can be spawn killed too often.

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I’d love to see movement modifier buffs depending on terrain and weather.


Why can’t you just make posts this and be the beloved ironic shill, man.

Tanks need their handling to change based on the terrain as well.

That could be really fun! Encouraging tanks to stick to solid tracts of land and roads to avoid getting bogged down. Very good idea user _31420124242011

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This is the kind of post I welcome!
I agree 100%, friend.

I’d personally not mind it if it would basically be put as “flanking routes”
Keep the main routes clear of deep snow or mud, but if you want to go around, you will be slowed down.

Is it going to be replaced by Maxim or all those topics made by different players wasn’t enough?

If it’s just gonna be a sandbag DP-27 I will bomb you guys with even more suggestions and polls

I also want to see the idea of laffete MG-42’s @VoyoMayPL brought up a couple of months ago


Polls have been disabled for all accounts and just got turned into lists.
@Keofox when we getting our polls back?

They are probably erased forever until OBT comes

I guess they are too lazy to make better MG models and fix premium squads so they erased the evidence


don’t be such a shmack.

i’m sure you can be more polite and smarter than this.

although, it’s a bid sad that we don’t have answers.

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Everybody wants to play invasion more. Please hear our voice. Add something like a game mode selector or just take the conquest away from squad mode.


You just answered it by yourself

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They are already adding more invasion / assault maps. If they flood the matchmaker with the latter, getting conquest would be increasingly rare.

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I agree

Conquest should be only used for lone fighters

This looks great! Can’t wait to hop in with the boys on April 8th.

Now that would be something I would probably celebrate.

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