New Meta: Q&A

It’s not restricted, but to me, it seems strange that you are expecting an answer to the same question in two languages.
When you come to a store and meet a fellow shopkeeper who knows both Russian and English, do you ask him every question in both languages? And do you expect an answer from him in two languages too?


Not great tbh.


Do we keep mkb on engineers from Stalingrad???

If it’s on op I completly miss it

You can just take IS-1 squad with mosin squad simultaneously. :man_shrugging:

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Yes its in post. You keep

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YES, squads from Stalingrad keep assault engineers.

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No, I want it to play as high BR weapon.
Or you can get MP3008 with Tiger II and have “historical accuracy”

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Answered here с:


That wasn’t my problem. Problem was that it could get into battle with early war equipment just by itself (where it doesn’t belong to). :man_shrugging: but nice try, troll.


So even less space for those who have a lot of premium squads. Sweet.


I would appreciate an answer at least in either of the languages but I still haven’t got it:

But what about Gold Order guns buying limit?


Having played warthunder it checks out that power rating trumps time period. I expected this

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  1. The only rule is that USA squads can’t be above certain level to get matched against Japan on the Pacific maps. Since there’s no GB as a separate nation, it’s technically possible.
  2. It will depend on power rating the MKB gets. If it’s a hightier weapon, then it will be a rare sight in Moscow.
  3. As in example above, it won’t happen unless there’s too few people in the matchmaking pool, like already explained about this “soft rule” mechanic.

It is not a problem, at least for me

It can as far as I heard. Low level BR equipment only is possible in Berlin

Exactly this:

Why not make it comparable with PPS-42 (MP 3008 is still a 7,63mm SMG, it still hurts, basically a Sten copy, and lock it to Berlin?)


Saddest sentence I’ve heard in a while :smiling_face_with_tear:
Look where we got from “The weaponry, soldier’s uniform, appearance and capabilities of the vehicles in the game are in line with historical facts


Is it squad itself or individual soldiers who will keep access to AR’s? If I buy 60 stalingrad engies, can I use 10 full engie squads with AR’s,
or will I be able to place an engineer from Berlin in a squad from Stalingrad who will be able to use MKb42 now?
Can he use, say, STG-44 as well?

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Most likely, they will get less colorful uniforms for other timelines. It is still being discussed. But as a squad, because they are part of the allied army, they may be encountered in the Pacific.

It is possible.

It is possible too. Less likely than high-BR Berlin, but still.


Yeah, I never said it’s super unbearable problem :man_shrugging: I just suggested solution that works better for me/makes more sense to me.

I really dont understand your overdramatic reaction. You could just say that you disagree.