Many players ask that maps need to be larger, and with the newer Normandy map, the devs thankfully started going in that direction.
However, not all of the new area should be pre-built with a bunch of extra objects in it. Simple, open fields treated as a BLANK SLATE essentially, would be quite beneficial to gameplay. (No “hard” terrain in these areas, allow trenching with ease)
Trenching with shovels would become much more viable and worthwhile
The space could be utilized both by offense and defense alike
Smoke equipment would become much more useful (look at HLL for example, you see smoke grenades utilized all the time!)
It would help to cut down on run-and-gun approach and actually encourage players to seek cover and/or make it with engineers and other shovel-wielding characters.
It encourages the usage of APCs to help push in closer to the objective rather than just stopping and being used as a stationary spawn point.
Potentially helps reduce the effectiveness of artillery spam by allowing more players to spread out a bit more and not get forced through built-in chokepoints (player made chokepoints are encouraged)
They don’t need to be completely empty. Just decrease the clutter so that vehicles have space to move and fight. We really don’t need a random pile of rubble every 10m.
No thank you. I like the ability to flank the enemies without getting spotted by 10 snipers and a greyzone tank. They sould reduce the amount of stuff on the maps but i am against having huge open fields without any cover. The AI still refuses to use player made trenches
Ideally there would be flanks that are more concealed, but the frontal areas are what is more open.
As far as tanks are concerned, if its done well, tanks won’t be able to sit back in the greyzone and still have a good line of sight. They will actually need to push forward to where they can effectively shoot from.
Players are capable of making physical cover (sandbags and trenches) and deploying visual cover (smoke). If they choose not to use either and run across an open field, that’s a skill issue.
Unfortunately, trenches take time. Time that most matches don’t have. You got any idea how much I would LOVE to just blast Diggy Diggy Hole while playing Enlisted, but can’t because if I tried to the whole match would be over by the time I dug to first objective?
If you have a second person helping you dig, it doesn’t take very long at all.
You don’t need to dig a trench from your spawn to the objective. Short trenches and foxholes are actually much more effective. Keep in mind that if a frag or shell lands IN the trench, the whole trench with direct line-of sight is effected. So separating the trenches out rather than a straight line is your best bet.
It seems like a few Moscow maps, Tunisia maps, parts of Berlin maps and Normandy maps already meet this description.
Is it that digging is difficult here or you just want more wide open, completely flat ground?
Maps in former campaigns listed above have some pretty wide open spaces to cross. Maybe not devoid of anything but still require some thought and, hopefully, smoke.
Shovels don’t make for engaging gaming in my opinion.
Obviously, run-and-gun gameplay is intended for this game. Haven’t you noticed yet?
Kinda weird to suggest devs thing that’s literally against what they want.
This doesn’t make sense since you propose to get ird of basically any cover & creating open fields.
You are biased and want to make sandbags meta. You should just accept the fact majority of players arent builder the bob.
I really do not want sandbags and so to became a fkn meta. This game isn’t about building, this isnt a fkn fortnite. Geez.