New machine gun paratrooper sqaud for German and Italy advice

On 10 November 1942 the Royal Air Force Paratroopers School was formed, which trained units for the [184th Paratroopers Division “Nembo”. On 27 July 1942 the division’s name was changed to **185th Infantry Division “Folgore”

this machine gun comes from a breda-safat 7.7mm machine gun used on the aircraft,it was made by 185th folgore regiment .according to wiki,the data of this machine gun is:
hit power:13.2
rate of fire:800-900RPM
feed system:100rd bolt fed
mass:about 12.5kg


Hooray another MG with bigger magazine so if Germany as a whole can’t have a bigger MG with bigger magazine let the Italians have it

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Good idea but probably going to get tarred and feathered by the devoted US mains who don’t want any competition to their vickers