New Locations, Missions and Combat Objectives

Prepare for new experiences, soldiers! In the upcoming major update not only will we add new missions to every Enlisted campaign, but also introduce new Secondary Objectives to some missions as a new gameplay mechanic, allowing you to potentially win battles faster.


The winter has not yet arrived to this area, but the war has. The Soviet forestry complex occupies a large area, allowing for some wide flanks and tactical maneuvers, and strategic points to defend and capture.

In the first mission in Invasion mode at this location, you will fight in the main production area: among the tree cutting operation and river raft assembly, complete with industrial buildings and rail station. Both defending and attacking here will certainly be challenging.


It was only a matter of time before the Allies attacked the large German airfield in Normandy, so the Wehrmacht kept it well defended.

But it is not only the fortifications that matter here. The aircraft at the base are fueled and ready for action, so brave soldiers can use them for additional support. Hop in and cover your friends!


Even after the Reichstag was taken by the Red Army, the Germans didn’t stop fighting. Every inch of the capital was heavily defended.

In this mission you will fight on Wilhelmstrasse, one of Berlin’s most famous streets, and one of the routes the Red Army took to attack the Reich Chancellery.

The street is well fortified, so infantry will have to use the narrow side lanes and buildings to advance. Defenders are desperate and will hold fast. Do not forget your bayonets.


This is a new game mechanic you will be able to try on the new Normandy Airfield mission.

Apart from the main mission objective - to capture strategic points, the attacking side will have a secondary objective to destroy barrage balloons. If the attackers succeed, it will grant them additional reinforcement points to help them win the fight.

We will monitor the statistics of this new mechanic and your feedback - and use them to create new kinds of secondary objectives in other missions of Enlisted as well.


These maps look really nice.
I love the principle of secondary objectives, it makes the game a little less linear


New maps, especially for Invasion, are always welcome. Secondary objectives sound interesting too.

Thanks for the great news.


Sounds good. Cant wait. Game is alot of fun with the recent changes. So it should shorten the waiting time.

Please revise old capture zone to get rid of weird circle/rectangle shape. Let the cap zone shape follow the environment.


Awesome! More maps and secondary objectives sound great!.

Keep up the great work Keofox and team!


I’m totally in favor with this idea

Good job :+1:


I wonder how will this end up. It will either be fun, or total cancer.

Will those planes have bombs, or just MG’s?

Another than this, Great work, maps look good and especially Secondary objectives sounds great!

I wonder how those side objectives will look like in a game.
For now it seems like easy bonus tickets, to gain by one plane or AAA.

For me it sounds as an idea to include vehicles too unique to be included in the campaign progression by putting them on specific maps and making them part of gameplay of that particular map. But you are right, we need to see how it will work first.

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I´m glad to see more invasion modes and different options/tactics. That would be really nice improvement to the game… perhaps plain invasion modes we already have could also use some specific features to spice things up a bit.

However, I have only one doubt about this…

Since they are pretty easy to destroy, I´m not really sure about that one (unless attacking force is going to have hard time on this map)… Also, the way how these balloons works in game makes them double edged sword against aircraft (both against attackers and defenders) so I don´t really see them having such a huge value to grant reinforcement points. That would be like destroying hedgehogs on D-day would grant reinforcement points (only difference is that it would make a bit more sense I guess).
But it certainly sounds interesting.

first of all thank u for ur work^^ nice to see some fresh maps^^ but i have to ask a question. why ballons? i really like the idea of a secondary task dont get me wrong.^^ but shooting ballons for reinforcement feels in my opinion weird. for me it doesnt fit in this fast thrilling game with hundrets of man charging enemy lines while the defenders making them pay for every inch in blood. so instad of shooting ballons and get troops for free defenders should have a possibility and reason to defend there secondarys with there live. on the other side should the attackers get an easier game if they finish second objectiv. lets take arty as example. defenders get an fortified arty placement, maybe half way the match. attackers have to clean the zone and place explosive charges while defenders try to prevent. if cannons go up defender team looses there ability to cast arty strikes or get an penalty on cooldown. so thats what i thing about secondary objectives, hope my thoughts are usefull for u guys and nice to hit u.

Hey, i would like to see more planes, but i just worry about that it can be too powerfull, especialy when there will be bombs on those planes, and you can rearm them. That would end up being Battle of Britan at start of battles. :smiley:

Hell yeah! More invasion maps are always a plus! They look good!!!

All I need now, it’s an option to select only invasion and assault!

GG dev team. GG


Really grateful for the new invasion maps. But also hope that we could have more weapons.

This is a really cool and interesting new mechanic that I can’t say I’ve seen before. Excited to try this out!

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Hoping all the premium I buy continues to go into development like this. Seeing new maps being added this quick makes it worth the money for me.

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I would suggest taking out AA guns instead of balloons, but I’m still really excited for this!


Not sure how mechanics would work but how about a secondary objective to capture an enemy officer or rescue a prisoner to obtain information on the enemy and thereby obtaining some kind of advantage.

Congrats to devs for giving us Enlisted. My missus hates you :rofl:

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This all looks fantastic, I am going to go buy 25$ worth of gold as a thank you!