New levels

Literally me.

I was so happy to see Berlin with SVT, DP-27 and box mag PPSh-41, you know the 99% of actual weapons used in Berlin by the Red Army.

Now we literally will have premium AS, regular AS, post war RPD and post war belt-fed DP on rinse and repeat.

This literally defeats the purpose of me ever leaving BFV.


Our only hope are historically accurate custom games with real XP yield.
Also if Ivan can get his dream AK gun, can my Italian friends have Breda PG as SF gun? its literally more realistic than AS-44 AK rebrand basically
(also yes Im aware that its a different gun from different weapon designer, spare me fellow history nerds)


open file and look at real recoil and dispersion-than try to argue. I main avt 40 for soviets even ignoring top assault rifles with 2 9-men infantry squads. 3600 battles for soviet side experience in the game. Words ā€˜noā€™ are no arguments without any info usable. FG 42 has worst semi auto dispersion in game-fact. Fg easier to control-agree, but u cant use it on longer than 100m reliably because of worst dispersion in game, and one of worst dmg among top semi auto rifles in game. Google ā€œEnlisted Resourceā€ document and find real statisticcs of AVT40 and you will be really surprised. Stats in card dont show real stat because ignore dispersion, visiable recoil, bayonet recoil reduction buff(15%) and recoil direction profile. Fg is good I agree, but it is not worse, but much worse than avt40. I think near 10-15% of efectiveness. Datamined info shows that real avt40 recoil is 22vert,8 hor, dispersion 0.18, for FG42/2 actual andtable are the same 44vert and 9hor with 0.22 dispersion, soviets even dont have any rifle with such bad dispersion. So you didnt convince me. I still think FG is good but worse than AVT40 with only edge on middle distance near 40-50 meters. On higher distance you should use semi regime and FG is useless in that, lower damage, worst dispersion, low effectiveness on auto per bullet that leads to lack of ammo if high distance auto shooting. Moreover If You want to be consistent you should answer not only 1 argument but all, you ignored 80% of my argumentsā€¦Comletely ignored bayonet and bots side, full auto on every soldier from start. But here goes one more thing- it is only a question of balance, that makes this argument much less important for me, problem with new gun is not its charateristics but the fact it is paper gun like MKB or RD44. Balance can be asymmetric-immersion in the game cannot, FACT, I have to play with full prototypes and paper guns setup playing as soviets, completely omitting iconic weapons if I want to be effective. And it becomes even worse now.


the fuck is this chimp talking about???


Looking forward to the addition of the Me 262 or the Do 335, since they where also the latest experimental planes used by the funny germany, surely anyone who doesnt play axis will enjoy to play against those :gorilla: :gorilla: :gorilla:


I will not try to angle. I fired from top tier avt and unbuffed fg. If you are eyeless, you might find videos with fgā€™s no recoil and wiping out whole crews with itā€™s autofire. Need to be complete incompetent to deny obvious things :V

about things that your wide nose will not allow you to notice

I have played with both guns and I can say the FG-42 II is a whole league better than the AVT, especially in CQC. If you think otherwise that is your problemā€¦

how about instead of eternal error measuring contest you spar and youā€™ll see how the weapon works and weā€™ll see FG is great and close quarters and SVT is a great marksman rifle for long range

You again ignored all facts and arguments and try to show me not representative video where guy has vertical rec reduction, sits to lower recoil even more and holds shift, you will have the same effect on 90% of auto rifles in game and even machineguns, if you are not experienced enough I will tell you you can buff it additionaly lean to sides to lower it even more and take additional shot spread perk which triggers by leaning. And please dont tell to me in that way if I didnt play the game, I have all sides all campaigns full unlocked, there is You who has problems with offtopic balance here, even ignoring the fact that most top players prefer avt40, and probably you dont know weaknesses of this gun. The same man has video how he shoots avt but he makes it standing-not sitting, and doesnt hold shift, moreover game has characteristic as visual recoil-how gun shakes but it has no ifluence on aim recoil, FG has low visual recoil, but medium real recoil, to show that you should shoot to targen not to the field- to see difference, on top of that it has worst auto rifle dispersion, that you cannot check on this video too, on top of that I told you tha FG is really better on 40-50 meters, and that is exact distance here, closer and futher avt40 has edge again. And answer arguments please, and if u gonna use rough words again I will propose You to be banned. I wipe all crews with avt40 with no problems-it has enough damage to kill 15 men in ideal situation or 4-5 men in full auto not aiming, fg42 one shots in body very rare and mostly in very close, not like avt40 that has best auto/semi auto damage per shot that scales great with top dispersion on long distances where fg is worst of all semi auto rifle exept m2. And more important thing that I tell in every message is about immersion and paper guns, but it looks like somebody really punishes you with fg42, if it so hurts to you :wink:


Iā€™ve seen enough dispersion of full auto avt. No itā€™s not even close to fg. Bideo below is in closest range actually

It is a waste of time for explaining. Some people just dont understand raw statistics or they are just lying.

I am not against adding AS-44. This weapon will not change anything in Berlin, as the Fedorov is way better.

The only downside is that Enlisted is slowly turning into another sad game for idiots.


answer my another arguments please, if you ignore my argument there nothig to speak about, literally waste of time you cant consent me just crying and repeating only 2 pluses of fg42s, they are not the same weapons-thats right, but avt40 has much more utilisation in more situations, as I wrote it is full contact to 20m and 100 meters and futher, useful things with bots too


completely agree with you that it will change no balance because Fedorov is much better because of dps, its pity some people doesnt understand the problem and think that it is all about balance) Thank You for support <3


45 bullets of AVT-40 = smaller recoil than 40 bullets of FG-42 II


it honestly looks like you controlled AVT. becuz with control it does slightly better than in video. at 20 meters it struggles to kill one squad while even ā€œborrowedā€ fg-2 without perk did good in hitting enemy

Iā€™d argue that BFV has overall better gameplay than enlisted. Maybe except more frequent cheaters.


It has (actual) bipods. Thats already enough.


Soon tm
Baby steps tm
They were fixed tm