New levels

WW2 Online, a game from 2001 has working bipods with actual animations for them.


Enlisted has better- and year ago my friends went to enlisted, but now left for HLL, even they dont like HLL progression and like sweetspot between arcade and simulation in Enlisted, people just want wibes of WW2, the only another game of different jenre they play is HOI4. And they liked Enlisted for bots system, dedicated campaigns, historical squads and weapons, arcadness and time per battle, combo of infantry tanks and planes. Now game leaves couple of the most importand things like dedicated campigns and adds paper weapons. I understand that unification is for fulfillment of battles by players, but I dont understand paper weapons, especially knowing has 0 influence on balance, or playerbase, but becomes another long term must have freak in top lvl weapons setup.


I told You were You can read statistics, and brought dozen of arguments as player and as developer-all your arguments are calling names, calling me idiot and drunk. I am not talking that it is offtopic, it is obvious that u here are only for balance of one gun that is not even in current update. After that you want your position would be honored enough when You show nothing than disrespect and rough lexics to other community members?


Bro I don’t understand you at all you want a game that is more realistic then play HLL but Enlisted in another beast entirely it is not a Mil-sim nor a casual game its somewhere in the middle and you know what helps it to be in that place adding this so-called ‘‘Paper weapons’’ and in another hand, you have tanks with internal models, shoot a breach and tank can’t shoot this also helps with realism so yeah comparing Enlisted to HLL is wrong and trying to make it like it is wrong, also As-44 is not a paper weapon and it was delivered to soldiers of red army in summer of 1945 shortly after VE day so you can assume that some battalions were using it already in the battle of berlin for testing purposes(read with a friendly tone and thx ) I should also mention that the As 44 delivered for troops were for trials most likely 6th or 7th(last) variant

Stalingrad avt is probably the best gun in-game. It’s just the best.
Then m2 carbine, Fedorov,avs, stg, as44 and so on.


Learn to read.

A clasic example of someone having a stroke when they see “HLL” mentioned in any positive way.


Not really.
In BFV I can do whatever I want while in enlisted I feel penalised for not playing as intended. Though maybe that’s only my feeling or maybe it’s due to much heavier grind in enlited.


read my message again please, I have never wrote I want Enlisted to be more realistic than HLL or even smth close to it, I only wrote positive sides of Enlisted and why my friends left BF5 earlier and now left Enlisted for HLL, and told that paper guns are 1 of 3 main reasons, because when your meta setup consists only of paper guns it hits immersion hardly. I didnt even told the game is historically accurate and in fact it HASN’T to be, especially knowing that campaigns will be merged. But paper guns shouldn’t be massive meta, we have premium squads, gold orders and event weapons and squads. Moreover it doesnt influence balance because top players will anyway prefer Fedorov, so why to add exactly paper gun to that position? Me and my friends love the game, and donate regularly, but it is hard to love the game we don’t play. This game is not simulator, and it is ok to have more rare weapons, or non chronological weapons, but total paper guns is something some people really cannot unsee, especially when you forced to play only such guns to be effective.


check the difference between recoil and dispersion please, You dont even know how this guns are programmed in the game and what characteristics have, so how can You be effective with with it not knowing real pros and cons of it. And I repeat it again it is offtopic here, this thread is about new guns and tanks!


I saw them both in videos and in my own experience with top tier avt and FG-2s, which were even unupgraded. Actually accuracy was fixed and even without it 42-2 was strongest machinegun which many people try to deny

Answer arguments please, it is not convincingly to repeat the same subjetive thing and ignoring things that even developers and testers write to You). Unupgraded FG has almost same recoil as upgraded because has lower rate of fire. Above that when You told about small bonus to damage on avt and “20 hp to kill” shows that You completely don’t understand formula, how damage works when it is above 10, and why 15 is breakpoint where You don’t even count dps anymore. Please read the document, understand mechanics and then try to argue having some facts in the hands. Not just “I SEEEE”. U “see” variable “visual recoil” which shakes part of weapon close to you but not muzzle. AVT has high “visual” but low “real reacoil” You can find real in data mined table I told You too. FG has low visual but high real that spreads bullets but doesn’t shake closest to You part of the gun, moreover it has dispersion problem, You can check it trying to shoot semi auto with bypods on long range-You will see most bullets don’t get the center of target. Then try AVT. That makes AVT better in close(breakpoint above 15 hp), worse in 40-50 meters, because of lower controlability, and again better on 100m and higher distance because of good dispersion that lets You be effective with semi auto regime, on FG in such situation You have to shoot auto because of one of worst dispersion in game, even on bypods semi on FG cannot go through that. Above that full auto on start on AVT that boosts bots massively and bayonet(lets run, improves 15 of recoil, and buffs bots in close combat). The fact that FG is better on 40-50m distance doesn’t make this gun best in game, it looses to AVT40 in every other distance, and when YOU compare it with ALL guns in game, I will tell You it is not even top 5, especially if to compare it with middle and top tier machineguns. And I repeat it again it is offtopic here, this thread is about new guns and tanks!


At this point can you two just have a sparring match or something so you can put this topic to bed

MP38. Why do people keeo forgetting the most accurate 9mm/ German Assaulter gun in the game?

It deserves attention.

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I write him in every second message that old guns are offtopic here

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I can easy answer to You). And You know the answer). It has not one shot bullet, it means mp38 hardly depends on DPS, and it has bad DPS comparing to PPS for example, but You are completely right about dispersion, looks broken =0.21)


I understand that but if you beat him up in a match then we can see which gun is better at the end of the day and this discussion can be put to bed


Damage per second is one (of the many arguably) reason would take AVT over STG on a comparison.
even tho one would find it more easy to play with STG.

as for mp38, Meh… (FOR ME) nothing special. dispersion isnt even an issue to kill someone on enlisted fighting distances using that type of smgs to even take the damage output / mag size / reload etc over lets say… kirally.

i guess i will stay at top BR .



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If you really say you are listening to the community can you try asking us before you add something.

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Joker - Sad