New levels


for paratroopers. over. if you wanna cry about historism

reee adoptotion

go to hll then lol. but there you will get even more kickass from Soviets as they are equal by armament, without listening to reich crybabies

So? It was adopted by the military and issued to troops.

AS or RPD never were.

Itā€™s night and day.

Go to Fortnite then? Great argument lol

You still donā€™t get the simple concept that I donā€™t give a ratā€™s ass about which ā€œfaction suffersā€?

And care just about the stuff that was used in WW2.


you donā€™t ā€œjust tak bout accuraceeā€. if so, you would first mention mkb in moscow. if talking about Berlinā€™s history, it comes even more funny, as germans have tonns of lazerguns while soviets have ā€œopā€ ppsh and svt as supposed replacement of Fedorov which was used earlier. if we go full-heeestoorecal, then we must rebalance tonns of gunns and remember ā€œrealā€ characteristics. like iā€™m sure that light gun whith high caliber and fire rate may have zero recoil when shooting without bipods. itā€™s all about sidesā€™ balancing and you naively state that itā€™s ā€œjust one unhistorical exampleā€. no. the game is already quite unhistorical and AS-44 is just chance to have gun equal TO something like FG or STG. becuz Fedorov is only allowed to assaulters while AVT has bigger recoil and scatter

Sir, I also donā€™t like paper, especially such as as 44, but the bottom line is simple, this is practically the final update for this period. Germany still has stg 44, fg 42, mg 42 and so on. If the price of entering the best assault rifle for Germany is Sudaevā€™s 44-year-old toilet paper, then let it. In fact, both factions now have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the Soviets are unlikely to move from Fedorov. In addition, changes are possible and everything can change at any moment.

I do not want you getting your handā€™s on AS 44 and ruining my games


Most fallschirmjƤger units were raised after 1941 as elite infantry.
Out of the about 20 varius paratrooper units of the Reich only half had participated in actual airborne operation.
The reason why any riflemen can use fg42 is the same why they can a M2 carbine, AVT-40, Type Hei rifle or Mannlicher M1895, this game is ww2 sandbox.
Maybe we will get more historically accurate game modes in custom games which restricts FG42 as fallschirmjƤger only.


Tested this tank on the test server, it still cannot pen the panther from the front. its all the exact same areas as the other sherman 76. I feel as the firefly is still far more reliable to kill panthers than this

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i hope we will have MAIN regime more accurate. i mean at least less top tiers in games with semiautos and stock SMGs

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Oh no I am so sorry I didnā€™t make a 100% complete list in my post (no)

Go check through my topics, MKB in Moscow and Stalingrad is complete bullshit and should never appear there.

Once again, if itā€™s so difficult, I donā€™t care about factions, I care about paper guns.
Fedorov and AVT are complete bullshit for Berlin as well.
If youā€™re hurt about STG, MP-43 and FG-42, I couldnā€™t care less if they were deleted from Berlin.
If thatā€™s the price to stop having bullshit weapons, Iā€™m all for it.

Well, same here, I strongly believe that if something doesnā€™t have a historical counter from the other side, just donā€™t add it.
T-34 can only be countered by Pz IV F2 in Moscow but it was never there? Donā€™t add T-34.
MP-43/STG can only be countered by Fedorov/AS in Berlin? Donā€™t add MP-43/STG.

Itā€™s literally that simple. But the devs keep going down the ā€œsekrit eksperimentā€ rabbit hole.


It shouldnt. Same 76mm gun, you still need to pop the panther through the mantlet cheek (if its following warthunders rules)

You will be waiting for the 90mm gun to smash panthers completely (Pershing, jackson)

In Berlin I was basically hunting those with my Panther G, though to be honest that was the best panzer until now, Kƶnigstiger with Henschel tower will probably be a better tank.

H&G had the Jumbo with 76 gun as the counter to Panther G and I still found the German tank better, my best bet why DF didnā€™t give us the jumbo w76 is because they just reused already existing assets.

im aware that it shouldnt. But they should really reword what they said. I did notice the lower glacis plate is possible to pen.

Until we get the pershing, I shall just introduce more and more panthers to my tempest :smiley:

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Unfortunately I love and hate this update. After waiting all this time I was hopeful for a massive update after waiting so long for new content. For most of this to be copy & paste (Stg & Panther G). Not to mention so far the neglect of Tunisia, Moscow and Stalingrad.

I think the Tiger II H is a nice addition along with the newer IS-2, Type-100 Late and the Newer Sherman 76 which I think is great for the US.

I do have complaints towards the AS-44 but I feel itā€™s a decent competitor towards the STG. I think weapons more like this should be event or BP.

Looking forward to that merger! Hopefully Italy gets some love!


when AT II on berlin???

than campain levels would end after 30 lvl-s and game would be boring

Thereā€™s nothing boring about actual WW2 stuff. Thereā€™s loads of it.

Whatā€™s boring is literally every game now trying to be fortnite in its own right and pump out random stuff just to appease the babies playerbase.


Devs, please- donā€™t make literally the only prototype exist the massive meta, it destroyes immersion, no matter what side You fight. There are a lot of ways to make assymetric balance. There were only 7 AS-44 guns in the world and there was only ONE AS-44 model 5 exist. It is very good gun for golden order, premium squad or some event. But PLEASE dont make it massive and meta. Top gun line for soviets now consists ONLY of prototypes. When You will unite campaigns it will be even worse. A lot of people left BF5 and joined Enlisted because it at least looked historacally correct, but this great immersion breaks so hard with such decisions. We as users love this game and support with our donates, but it is hard to love the game, if You stop playing it.


Thompson M1928A1 is sufficient against the StG44 in Normandy, a gun USSR received as lend-lease and actually used in combat. Its not to late to swap the fantasy gun with a real one.


avt40 is better than fg42 2, one shots, and has NORMAL dispersion, all fg42 have broken dispersion(thats why u have to be full auto even long range), they are cool close combat, but even svt38 on lvl7 is better on distanse at 100m. avt40 oneshots close combat even is enemy has+35% hp, and has good dispersion and damage to be effective on all distances. Use with vertical recoil reduction. Bayonet is hude advantage too-it gives -15% of real recoil, and full auto from start that massively boosts your bots effectiveness, such bots kill more enemies then some low ranking players. FG42 is very good for 50m but avt40 is better in any other situation including 10-20m and everything more than 80-100m.





bullshit, it makes white markers at anything but head or low-tier bots. normal damage for knock or oneshot is above 20. and FG has 20 bullets, not 15. as i remember, it shoots faster. also obviously it is WAY easier to control, which is literally written in itā€™s card. also FG is rare weapon with dyoptrics which doesnā€™t hide half of world from you, also itā€™s ā€œbig dispersionā€ was for not long time and fixed already. itā€™s completely brainless lazergun as well as some ssttgg while avt is only acceptable up to ~20m. not 50 or 70 like some overbuffed light machineguns