New Inventory System + Rework of Boosters [Concept Idea]

A bit of Context:

greetings, today i would like to suggest and share my own idea of what i would like to see in enlisted. i’ll start by saying that no, boosters should be not tweaked in terms of what they offer or how they should be. just how those could be improved without the need of much effort, but we’ll get to that later.

Main Suggestion:

the main suggestion here, is to add a new inventory system that helps the players when managing their squads and equipment, while keeping them organized and don’t struggle to find each soldiers. the main idea would be mainly to keep track of soldiers ( visually, just like the older accademy ) and other useful informations that i will cover in a bit. and lastly, boosters stored in the inventory. as i don’t personally like forced things ( like the boosters it selfs ).


How does it work?

it’s “simple”, in the main menu, it will appear a new voice called " inventory ":

and if you click that, a section/portal will open showing you what you own ( based on the faction you currently own. or it could be of both. depends from the devs decision):

as you can see, it’s going to be mainly used about managing squads and help the player to keep track of what they own.

it will cover a few main sections:

  • Boosters
  • Cards
  • Equipment
  • Soldiers
  • & Premium Squads

the booster section will allow to manage all the booster you get from bp and daily. and at any time, you will (SHOULD) be able to activate it. or for whatever reason, discard it. ( similar to war thunder ).

the card section will allow you to know every single card you have ( from bronze/silver/gold orders, up to callsign, appearance and Level Up orders in just one section without going back and forth across multiple tabs and soldiers to know what you have.

in the equipment, theorically should work that if you press any weapon, a section will appear showing you who is using which gun, which stars do they have, and if you click one of the gear sections it will show you how many gears you have for ( example: M10, P47 or how many gears do you have for m3s, sten guns, yada yada yada ).
( yes, technically you can do it from the soldiers tab, but the point is, it’s a bit closer to the logistic, so you don’t end up wasting more tickets that you need because you don’t remember how many gears you have )

The soldier section, has the main feature of showing where are your soldiers. ( similar to the previous accademy. although the accademy has been removed, we need such informations as it can be tidy to swap all the squads just to look who and where is a particular soldier. above all, works like an interactive HUB, so if you click on the soldier, it will bring you directly to the squad, and from there you can manage it and decide where to reloace this soldier and how replace him ( if you can )

and lastly,
Premium Squads
this section, well, it will be there to tell you which squad you have bought. nothing more, nothing plus. ( in case you forgot ).

Booster Rework

as mentioned above, i would like to rework boosters. personally i like them, but i end up playing none due to real life work, and few time spare for me ( like many others ) to play the game. point is, in the morning i log in to get daily rewards and after 18/19 hours of work and public transportation ( italian ones are the… ( not so ) best ) and my booster is expired. so the main rework i would like to have is, the ability to activate them through this inventory system, and to the very least, make the expire time much higher. perhaps i understand that those cannot be " forever " active, but at least make them last 2/3 days before they expire their selves. as it’s a bit sad to get them / unlock them though bp, and not be able to use them.

In Conclusion:

that is all from me.

if anyone feel like i’m missing something, feel free.

until then, cheers.
( i kinda wanted to add the cosmetic part, but it’s a bit pointless since it’s not a thing yet, and there many other more useful things that should come first )


Great idea!

I can’t believe they didn’t think of something similar to help us keep track of what we have already.



i’m a bit shocked how people can read so fast, but, thanks ^^


Massive waste of development time considering the actual problems with the game.

Until they start fixing some of them while we still have a playerbase, things like this should be way down on the priority list.

actual people that can’t read:


learn how to read you donut

Almost as if I’m agreeing with you and pointed out what a massive waste of development time this would be right now.

You’re an ape even when people agree with you, I’m aware your medication makes it difficult to actually think, but you should try it every now and then, you just might learn something.

not really

ironic being called such from someone who cannot even read.

good one :joy:

too bad i ain’t you bucko.

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which it’s ironic from someone who:

did someone tipped your little beak?

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