New Invasion of Normandy missions - FEEDBACK

The latest update adds new missions to the “Invasion of Normandy” campaign. Please share your experience and leave feedback in this topic!

Le Bre (Invasion)

Ver-sur-Mer (Conquest)

Ruins of Vaux (Conquest)

Swamps of Reviers (Conquest)

I started playing today and really enjoy the maps. I think they’re a little small but fun. It would be cool to see more infantry vehicles added like jeeps with MG’s and german counterparts along with some bigger maps that require you to travel more. Right now it feels like you respawn run 100 yards and get in a fight but you cant setup and ambush points without the enemy showing up 20 seconds after you kill them. Also i think mounted MG’s should be harder to take out, it should take an explosion to knock them out and not a random bullet. I would increase the amount of weapon parts you get as well because with how few you get it doesn’t feel worth it to try and upgrade the weapons. I think it would be a good idea to be able to research actual parts for the gun like bayonets or bigger mags or flash hiders or other items that can change the weapons. Also maybe add some character customization like their uniforms, especially if we can have the 101st with mohawks and face paint like they looked on D-Day.

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Also it would be cool if you could have multiple premade decks that you can choose from at the start of the game depending on the map that you get. I feel this will let users create multiple decks for specific roles instead of trying to create one deck that can do everything and this will make sure people dont have one deck with units at max level and other units they stopped playing after getting the new ones.

AI need to be tweaked a lot more. They’re still extremely aimbot-like and nothing like the AI in Moscow. It’s very not fun being unable to push towards points with the AI sniping you at 150m through bushes and grass and what not.

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I spent some time sniping from the belltower in Ruins of Vaux by lying across that board that runs through the middle of the top.

What I gathered was that I had virtually no control of B which I was above, though I could see and mark squads as they came into it.
However I had almost total control of A and C, having a clear line of sight into both of them. From where I was laying I could hear bells so I assume I was being shot at, but my position seemed very protected and I never got shot up there.

As well, unlike the belltower in Moscow, the climb up was well-protected so I wasn’t worried about getting sniped on the way. Functionally if someone wanted to kill me they would be forced to either hit the top of the tower with a cannon or mortar, or capture B then come up.

As well I was using iron sights and could still make easy shots into the other objectives.

Seems too advantageous of a position to me, but I’ve never had to countersnipe it to confirm it’s as invincible as it feels.

I can’t enjoy a single fucking map because the bots snap to me at mach-4000 and light me up like a T-800 from Terminator. Seriously, their aggro-meter or whatever it’s called needs to be adjusted. I’m at my wits end with this game if I keep getting killed through 100+ meters of dense foliage that no human being would be able to spot me in. Oh and of course my area of sight is unbearably narrow because the FOV slider is capped at a measly 90-degrees.


lol, you nailed it bro, my feelings exactly!

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Honestly makes Normandy unplayable for me. Moscows AI is in a much better place when it comes to settings. It can still pull some goober shit, but it is not nearly as bad as the Normandy AI.


It just doesn’t even feel like the AI changes affect the bots in the Normandy campaign?!


It does ai in normandy is able to kill enemies atleast

From my experience, my bots just get wiped out one by one and don’t return accurate fire to other players. But on my end I’m getting domed by bots (and occasionally real players) in ridiculous scenarios.

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try to move into open areas and see them

But then I’m completely exposed and then the enemy bots can just have an open season before I can acquire targets

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just try it from top

HE shells dont have a damage area only direct impact and concuss

I do like the new locations on Normandy, especially the swamp.

But please, we need more invasion game modes! It’s the best mode by far in Enlisted, but there are only two invasion maps on both Moscow and Normandy. We need more on both!

Not a fan of Le Bre conquest. You can’t defend C without spawn-killing the enemy team.

I have only one small issue with the swamp map:
The B capture point, with the railgun, provides more cover for one team than the other, when approaching it. Allowing one side to capture it more easily. This is thanks to the concrete walls on one side being higher than the other.

This can be fixed by taking the entire concrete area and rotating it 90 degrees. Whether that is left or right does not matter.

I noticed small detail today in D Day invasion - second point seems to have two alternate placement options. I really like that and want to Ale od there is a chance to introduce something like that into other invasion maps. It could make each round different at a very low coast.

Pretty sure it already exists on some maps. I remember seeing it before for sure