New interface

hey cool great , got one tiny suggestion. So i play WT Naval and i play this. With the long que times in EC for Naval i often try to play other games while i wait. One that i cannot do is play Enlisted while i am waiting for WT Naval EC to pop. Can this be changed someday? so that we can play both. I mean yea its the same main account but its not like i am trying to play the WT twice or the Enlisted twice?

This is only a big QoL update which come before the progression major update, confirmed by a community helper.

And for UI location.
Dont you think that BP is so weirdly squeezing with the soldiers?
It should still be put in the old, right lower place.
Why do you leave a giant gap in the old BP’s place?
And put faction selector on the top, next to campaign.

And move squad soldier a bit leftward.
I’m OK with the horizontal squads icons.
BTW, the squad detail info maybe put lower than those squads icon. It’s just seems too alone.


I agree though it would be cool to have UI in fraktur.


Impossible to read :upside_down_face:


I’m very excited. This is gonna be great. But what are you going to do about how many squads we have now. E.G. There are three US Infantry (rifleman) 1 squads. And if you count Britain there are a total of SEVEN total infantry (rifleman). This seems excessive. Do you have to unlock every module on every one of those squads? Will there be legacy squads? What’s the point in unlocking a rifleman level 1 THREE times? Will we have to?


And can we, those who bought 10 premium squads and more, give out a special avatar with a mammoth before the big update, so that everyone knows what good fellows we are?
I attach examples of avatars)
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To fix over complicated main page/home page.
Game can simply put the most direct entry of different game modes (Also progression management/inventories) in the home page.

TBH, WT has a pretty disaster home page. Showing too many things to players. Making new players not knowing how to deal with them.
The game you showed, at least let new players know how many modes and new contents of he game has. (Though newbies may forget about progression managements.)

Dont squeeze too many contents into the front page.

pretty good, but I don’t know; the font looks so old (I played War Thunder before). Maybe we can be allowed to install some fonts from Enlisted Live?


Also, what about a unified, cross squads compatible, customization inventory?
Or at least, usable customization???

It’s been over a year since customization was a thing.
And your game has proper slots to enable complex customization.

And customization is a key selling points for ALL modern games.

And you still dont fking care about actually make customization useful.
It’s still very unpolished, and lack of customization selection. Like custom webbings.
Also, no description on ALL of the objects. What’s that uniform called? Where else can I use it? Nothing!


For this:

On each image of a purchasable item, I think it should be the Silver/Bronze Order and then “or 30 Gold” as the smaller second option. It should 100% be the free option first, and then the paid option second.

Otherwise, looks pretty good to me so far.


Hmm I 100% agree that the faction selector should be next to the campaign, that just makes sense.

However, I think they should leave the BP in the top left though, and use the old BP space to spread out overlapping events.
It’s weirdly annoying and mundane to have to click the tiny dots on the image to switch between say the Victory Day and the Armed Forces Day Events. They could perhaps use that empty space to spread out overlapping events to make them easier to find the event you want to find.

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This would be so cool :slight_smile:

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For events/custom match slider… They should introduce larger page selectors. Or completely fill the right side space with it. And increase the right side space usage. And leaving pure game contents/squads on the left.

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Well I was thinking something like this:

With the boxes matching the colour scheme ofc, I’m not technologically smart enough for that lol

But honestly anything other than a small dot on a picture to separate between several ongoing events + custom matches would be fine.


An actively updated mission tab would be much appreciated when in battle, since the current one doesn’t update while fighting thus you may be trying to finish a mission you already did. For example, you need to kill 50 enemies with an SMG, in the current system you can’t check your completion level (40 kills, 48 kills etc). I believe previously we were able to check this while in battle, and it got disabled at some point.


One cannot simply own too much gold.

But… It ISN’T historical in any way… (especially after the conversion)

A mammoth? Nah. I prefer a whale. A great white whale.


Regarding the main screen: I’ve seen this done before by other developers… They come out with a new update and completely change the organization of the main screen—sometimes several times over an extended period of time. Same functions—maybe one or two new things added. In the end, it’s a total waste of time. And, all it does is confuses players since it’s one more thing to adapt to. What’s the point of reorganizing the main screen? It makes no sense!

Here’s a change that will make a functional difference: When you’re in a battle but waiting to spawn in, you can’t read the messages at the bottom of the screen because they’re blocked by the squad window. Why don’t you move the messages to the center of the screen (at the bottom) so they can be read. And, you can see what your typing if you want to write a message. This is something that actually needs to be moved. Will it be moved? Probably not. Based on past experience, developers waste way too much time changing things that don’t need to be changed leaving little to no time to change things that actually need to be changed.

Just my 2¢.


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