We continue to push for even more impressive visuals, while maintaining good performance. In the upcoming update, Enlisted will look even better, and you won’t even need to change the graphics settings.
Reflections will now take into account the roughness of the surface more accurately, making them more realistic. This will reduce the excessive specularity in certain cases, especially on weapons, but you will also notice the changes on locations too.
Additionally, we have significantly optimized the reflections and now the “High” quality looks so good that we no longer need the “Ultra” setting.
We continue to work on illumination as well. Just recently we released a massive update to it and we will implement further quality improvements in future patches.
We optimized and improved the “High” Global Illumination Algorithm setting, when the Quality slider is below the maximum, on lowest quality it’s significantly faster, while in the middle it’s in higher resolution, so the overall image quality is better. We improved the visibility on the “Low” setting by calculating multiple light bounces, so indirect light spreads more.
We also added high quality local tone mapping to “Medium” and “High” GI to make more use out of the feature (you can read more about this cool feature in our previous graphics devblog).
Due to high demand, we added the ability to use FXAA on all graphics settings, not just on “Bare minimum”. Take a look at the difference between TAA and FXAA:
Honestly, while playing the test server, I felt like something weird happened to the light - when I saw how much the darker areas were lightened, it felt like the view flattened.
I think I can see why now, on this picture for example. The area I marked seems to have an artificially added overlay just to make it lighter.
I didn’t play test server on enough maps to get the overall vision of how the change will look like, but after playing in Berlin, I definitely didn’t like the new tone mapping. It was in the best state after the recent GI update - what happened in the test server feels like overdoing the recent changes.
Thanks for adding FXAA it was annoying that i had to edit ini file and put it on read only every time i reinstalled the game to have AA implementation that has way less ghosting and is slightly less blurry than awful TAA.