New currency

you dont understand word flexible. if there are 20 players per side in queue, MM will make 2 matches with 1st match with players with lower BR weapons and second with higher BR weapons. this is relative and not absolute. you dont get static ±1 BR or ±2 BR. you get number of queues that is proportional to number of players. to paraphrase devs : “high BR player can end up in low BR match and low BR player can end up in high BR match. this should be rare occurrence.”
that is why overall you dont need to know number of BR brackets and player distribution by BR brackets. and like i showed you before there are enough players to fill multiple queues without a problem, so worst case scenario shouldnt happen or will rarely be happening (by that i mean BR 1 vs BR 10).

so you want japanese to fight with germans against soviets and USA in moscow? that is stupid. why not go fully ahistorical and have anyone vs anyone.
like i said currently there are enough players for multiple fronts (only weak link is japan, but we will see how it will go post merge)

ALl for nothing, complete waste of time.
When you have the currency ORDERS, they seem somewhat linked and tie in with the game, as in your soldier and you as commander doing great, so you build up requsition points, and place order at high command and you recruit more soldiers and same with weapon ordrs as in you need to order more weapons for you Squads going hard on the frontline, there’s some kind of logic and sense in that.
it makes sense and feels like yeah sounds plausible and it’s slight immersive like that.
And that you have bronze and silver is nice, you feel like you can fast mass up bronze and get the basic shit you need, but to get the better stuff you need that higher value currency, also makes sense and gives something to strive for, and that two tiers of them makes the feeling of wasting the shittier one, bronze on basic stuff, not that bad, but wasting those silver to get basic is not something you want to, you look forward to get a couple and buy ur squad some nice new shiny better weapons.

In this proposed new economy you just detach all, the immersiveness of this you commander requsition trrops and orders from higher up to what now? you collect silver coins out of fallen enemies pocket?
that is not feel like World War II Army organization and how a Commander would requsition their required troops and weapons, that’s some medieval sack the enemy towns, plunder, pillage and…
So that whole idea of the economy ties in with this Game’s world we immerse ourselves in is gone, now we some loval warband pillaging and looting, pirate or whatever.
second on that is you have one curreny ok, now it sucks to spend that on say 10x Medikit, when you actually really going for those two new MG II Gunners and the new shiny better MG, you don’t want to economy manage here like what to spend the household budget on, 15% we put on groceries and sallad,20 on house repairs, 55 on clothes, whatever…
You know even silver coins the framing of this economy and the wording, it’s off with having your WW2 Squads and you as Commander make War for Coins, now Order was a system could get behind you, felt like , yeah understandable.

In conclusion such a unecessary, useless, oversimplifying, and boring economy, and so very detached from feeling like a WW2 Commander and how to get Soldiers/Weapons for your men…
I say NO thanks.
why you wasted time on this.
Simplifying is not always good, and usually removes the flair.

I will state again, WarThunder Economy and progression and matchmaking is complete shit, mkay get it

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‘‘remember that with the merging of campaigns into countries’’
is complete bullshit
‘‘in the new Enlisted you will need far fewer soldiers, weapons and vehicles!’’
That is boring as hell
‘‘For example, the USA (Allies) will be represented as a single country, rather than three independent armies in the Pacific, Normandy and Tunisia’’ that is utter garbage
UK, US should be separate ones, Germany and Italy same there. They have enough of a stockpile of trash to make their own separate trees, And there is no need to have as much in each Tree, why, doesn’t matter
The fun is on playing as different factions and get a taste of their flavor and style, this everything need to be balaned equal is as much bullshit as modern gender politics…

by that logic you would need to requisition equipment and soldiers after every battle.

and having basic stuff cost 10x or 50x cheaper wont do the same thing? bronze and silver orders are just overcomplication giving you excess of soldier orders, while giving you shortage of weapon orders.

orders were never immersive.

and bronze and silver orders feel like ww2? how about enlisted gold? how does that fit into your immersion?

you know what would feel like ww2 commander? having to requisition soldiers, weapons and vehicles after every battle. that would make the game very immersive and exciting… sarcasm

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It was fun in H&G rts mode, thought. Well. Apart from the fact it took 2 real time weeks to get paratroopers reinforcements :stuck_out_tongue:


and got used up in 2 battles


here it sounds more like repair cost…

So, soldiers essentially won’t have upgrades anymore, how will that interact with the current soldier upgrade unlocks?

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New system is cheaper to get a maxed weapon. I don’t see problem here. I actually see a benefit.

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Except the soldier itself can cost more than maxing it…

it is deceptive increase in cost. look at my post here

Ok so:
3 silver gun + 69 bronze max(40%) = 1500 + 13800 = 15300

New economy:
5000 + 9990(40%) = 14990

Ok, but, you currently get 4 silver per match of 25k exp which is 1 tier 1 gun + 1 tier 3 gun/ 2 tier 2/ 4 tier 1

But in the future is 2000 coin(4x500 per silver)… wtf you can buy with that? 1 tier 1 and that’s it?

Wth man?

Unless they state the ammount of silver equivalent you can gain per match is also increased accordinly, maybe, but now hell no

Thats what I’m saying man, that same currency is then split into at least 3 different sinks some of them with higher costs (functions of bronze/silver weapon order and silver troop), and then they added in the new costs of buying vehicles you unlock I bet you have to buy the first weapon when you unlock them now too.

It looks bad for people new to the game which is what I thought this whole thing was supposed to be helping, imagine that first couple engineers or assault guys you buy to fill out your squads costing 3 silver each now.

Instead of 1 silver per soldier, post merge is 3 ~ 12 silver equivalent

Imagine the amount of Exp you need to grind in a match to buy 1 soldier after the new economy if the gain still the same, which hopefully not

And if the gain per match is increased, why they even bother increasing the amount you need to to purchase everything instead of 1:1 ratio?

Sounds padding the grind for me

Also you need to understand, this announcement pretty much tells you everything will be more expensive while what you have stay the same and suffer artificial inflation how is that even ok is just insane

I give you an example

You have 4 silver weapon order, that 4 silver means you can buy before merge:

1 tier 3 weapon + 1 tier 1
2 tier 2 weapons
4 tier 1 weapons

After merge, your 4 silver weapon will become 2000 coin(silver equivalent), what you can buy with it is:

2 tier 1 weapon
1 tier 2 + 1 tier 1

You get less after merge despite you spend the same effort getting those 4 silver, you should see the problem here, if not, get a job man

I feel that math forgets the bronze orders.

The reward for the battle will not change in any way, it will still depend on the amount of experience earned, but the orders will simply be converted into silver coins at the specified rate.

1 bronze weapon order = 200 coins
1 bronze soldier order = 100 coins
1 silver weapon order = 500 coins
1 silver soldier order = 1,000 coins

1 Bronze Weapon = 3000 XP Alternating
1 Bronze Soldier = 3000 XP Alternating
1 Silver Weapon = 25000
1 Silver Soldier = 50000

Since the Weapon and Soldier Bronze orders alternate, we can cut them in the middle for the math to 150 every 3000 XP

That means we get 1000 coins every 50k XP, 500 every 25k XP, and 150 every 3k XP

So for a 25k XP game you would get:
500 x 2
1000 x 1/2
150 x 8.3333 (1/3 of 150 is 50 so add 50 to 1200 for 1250 total)

That makes 2700 Silver Coins, not 2000.

Considering that you also don’t need as many weapons to equip all factions (as we are going from 12 factions to equip to 4). . . the change in cost may actually be a net positive overall. Maybe not in a per battle … but when accounting for the global cost to equip. Now, for those that only play one faction, this cost doesn’t transfer. and as such, possibly moving some of the upfront cost to the upgrade may be a way to accommodate. The question would lie in how much to transfer to the upgrade side.

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difference is that before you got random lvl 2-5 soldier so you would need to spend orders to upgrade it. in new economy it is cheaper to get fully upgraded soldier if you got lvl 1, lvl 2 soldier and even lvl 3 soldier

for class I soldier
full upgrade cost is 3600 silver from lvl 1, 3000 from lvl 2, 2400 for lvl 3,
for class II soldier
full upgrade is 9000 silver from lvl 1, 7800 from lvl 2, 6600 from lvl 3
for class III soldier
full upgrade is 11400 silver from lvl 1, 10200 from lvl 2, 9000 from lvl 3

so overall you will get soldiers much cheaper in new economy…

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Everybody use your orders and do not convert before this update comes.

this makes the grind 10x harder, now instead of 1 silver soldier order buying me 1 solider. the conversion rate for a rank 4 soldier is 11k silver coins and the conversion for orders to coins is 1000 silver coins for 1 silver soldier order.
1 silver order = 11,500

Conversion Rates

  • 1 bronze weapon order = 200 coins
  • 1 bronze soldier order = 100 coins
  • 1 silver weapon order = 500 coins
  • 1 silver soldier order = 1,000 coins

Are you serious darkfow and gaijin. literally blatantly scamming us. I will 100% make sure to use all my orders and not convert them before them update rolls in because converting is a scam.

my question and point would be the troop orders (mainly silver) that get stockpiled for lack of use. Do those added to the pool resolve that issue or not.