New Class: Mechanised Mobile Infantry (Suggestion)

I love the idea of this feature :slight_smile: and could see it fitting in very well.

I just mainly suggested stuff that was already in game to make this squad real easy to put together.

There isnt really anything new about this squad, its just several ingame mechanics combined into one.

And ofcourse you have done in your mod (rally vehicle), and @Bazsi37 has turned tankers into a jeep squad :slight_smile:

Sometimes it wil be fodder, sometimes it will shine (but thats like everything). no disagreements there.

it would be better for bigger maps


i would LOVE that. currently get my fix from big action mod

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all good till I hear: no engie, then the whole post go down, sorry, but no, hell even people are yelling for make the new premium units have engies!

very first sentence in the post

its a “general” suggestion post, meaning changes can be suggested.

If the difference between awesome and trash is a single specialist, then your suggestion would be “add engineer specialist”. I will add it under suggestions

As for me, I purposefully left the engineer out as it is already I powerful hybrid and needs potent downsides. Also it gives you a reason to take the rally point vehicle. Why would you take it if you had an engineer? you would choose something more heaviliy armed and get the best of both worlds, and effectively removing meaningful choice.

That would be quite the XP pinata

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This is an excellent idea and something id love to see.

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Have added to suggestion.

Its a nifty idea. Always liked the idea of towing.

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best capture was when some dum ass stood up to charge saw me coming then laid down to aim and i ran him and his bot over lol.

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lol kill truck with flame thrower squad of buddy in back

So… A worse bike squad where the bike is the rally.

I raised that as a problem.

An entire squad of AT specialists. No reason to ever use the original AT squad, then.

Most of the fundamental problems I’ve raised have not been addressed in a meaningful manner.

  • Role overlap with existing squads
  • Niche vehicles that have a role that is performed objectively worse than their infantry counterparts
  • Entire squads performing driveby shootings in bulletproof vehicles, on top of any additional weapons already mounted on the vehicle
  • The introduction of a 3rd vehicle on top of the 2 existing tank slots
  • The introduction of a new class for whatever reason
  • Map suitability/dependency

this mechanized squad is gonna be needed because ww2 wasnt just infantry it was combined arms it includes cars amrored cars and half tracks. Im out Over.

welp. I think its sweet.

carry on sir.

Thats fine some may prefer them over others in the same role like i prefer the t28 i have in in moscow over the t50 or other tanks, in moscow.

I see them getting popped by tanks and at squads in fact i see them played more and flamers burning them

Use the bike squad slot as it is a not heavy used and is light vehicles also you could use the rider crews

gijin don’t care given that half the maps cant travel 5 feet without getting stuck on pebbles

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Forgot the Willys MB Jeeps operated by the SAS:

And the Chevy 30 CWTs of the Long Range Desert Group:
The LRDG was analogous to the Auto-Saharan Companies that operated the AS.42. Perhaps they could be event rewards.

The SAS and LRDG made use of any weapons they had, so there are quite a few armament possibilities.

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hehe I didnt forget, I was saving those assault jeeps for the biker class revamp suggestion. Just havent got around to it yet :stuck_out_tongue:

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Neat, I just came around because I had to play those 2 matches to be able to post. :joy:
Did you see those half-track leaks by any chance? :eyes:

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Only stuff I have seen recently is in Erikas post.

there was a 37mm halftrack at some point in the files. might be in this thread

There’s been something added this update, though I’ll send it to through Discord because I don’t want to get muted here.

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