New Campaign Levels

also forgot to add but the ju 188 (i think that what it call) in normandy cant use it front gun because of gunner position so yea manual should be a thing soon to fix the front gun problem on it

Stalingrad is better with premium content in that the whole campaign should have been just like all the others. I’m glad they course corrected with the Pacific, and it should stay that way for future campaigns. I accept that Stalingrad is the little black sheep of the family, it is what it is.

The ideal way to have a campaign is have all the levels be free and release new premiums every once in a while for monetization

You call the huge amount of overpriced premium released “once in a while”?

Christ, they are near the 1:1 ratio with regular unlocks per update!

Also, regular unlocks are rather boring (wow! A new bigger mortar!) Compared to the new, very pricy, premiums…


you are playing the wrong game.


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he said the “ideal way” so he didnt mean that we currenly get premium once in a while

He also said Stalingrad is BETTER with those premiums.

Kinda means he’s on board with the practice…


It was about the caliber of the players’ *ssholes. Are you aware, after all, that according to the developers’ idea, after the release of the update, Enlisted players should begin to conquer low earth orbit? On the power of their own flaming *sses)


welp i didnt see that part sorry.

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“In the Battle for Stalingrad, there is no more selling of campaign levels, weapons, soldiers, or indeed, any upgrades for Gold. Instead, there is a long-awaited game format where players progress rapidly, while squads and weapons are already upgraded.”

Could you please explain the meaning, since you seem to have a much better understanding

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It said that the G55 is a fighter. So I think it will be used in a fighter squad and the A20 G25 will be used in attacker squad. Similar to Normandy situation.

You can buy campaign levels, weapon soldier and upgrade with gold on other campaign . But you cannot do this in Stalingrad. It is true.

the only things i’m kind of interested in is the m18 and the RPD

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Sorry… I can NOT buy Prem Content like Soldier i.e Squads in Stalingrad???

You literally use two word, squad and soldier. Do you think the two are same?

Honestly same, I was hoping for that instead of the F2 but the F2 is still a welcome addition. Also I expect they will add it soon either as a later level or premium tbh

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One day…

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No of course not… a squad of soldiers does not consist of x amount of soldiers :slight_smile:
Are you fcking kidding

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Since the two are not the same. Then what is this?

And where is stg 44 In Berlin? And will the mkb 42 buff be up to 550 fire rate, so that it is not worse than Fedor and worse than Kiray m 39?