New Campaign Levels

no it doesn’t

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It’s not.

It costs the price of a new game. All “new” stuff are paywalled.

Also, other premiums in a campaign DF promised there’d be none.

Bunch of liars.


This update looks like a cringe already…


yes the J1 was so good, that it couldn’t do shit against it, while the T34 killing you in one shot.

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you say it like the price and number of premiums goes over new balance and historical problem like JP in Berlin which won’t be pierced by anything except panzerfaust

You don’t seem to have considered the balance of armored units in the Moscow campaign at all. I guess you haven’t played Germany in Moscow at least, right?


Will we get a variant, well less variant and more like its main use, of the Ka-Mi with its pontoons.


I drop T34s all the time with the J1, they’re blind as bats and overconfident as hell. The turret can also be punched through all day long even with lower level guns


No just greedy

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balance is already dead in all champaigns except Stalingrad. and they make it even worse


Yeah i laughed when i see the panzer IV F2 who can be pen by A13 in Tunisai for info ^^ and russian have another T34 with a better gun but the first T34 just OS everything yet … so why ?


It does.

They pump in too many premiums.

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how this “better gun” roles in enlisted i wonder. especially with piercing markers.

they changed its armor in a ninja patch recently, one month ago it was 99% immortal to all german tanks, only glitched shots from your Panzer IV sometimes one hit killed it.

but still post pen damage of the Panzer III is not strong enough to take the tank out by shooting the turret, while not being able to penetrate its frontal armor.

F2 is very obviously needed, and even historically speaking a fair counterpart to the T34, the T34 still has better armor than the F2, while the F2 having a better gun.

They have not changed the armor on it at all lmao


damage of 37-50mm APs is enough, only piercing power has problems. i wonder why nobody yells at M1/kwk36 overpowered damage

Idk what vehicles you’ve been playing mate I’ve never struggled with killing a T34. I’ve even 1 tapped a couple through the lower plate.

The F2 really isn’t needed at all it’s just pushing the campaign further and further into 1942 and won’t help any tankers who already don’t know what they’re dojng because they’ll still get 1 tapped regardless if they’re in a Panzer III or IV


Even Stalingrad.

Nothing of this is gonna fix the already incoherent balance issues in all campaigns. It’s the direct reason why some sides are simply abandoned completely and the rest and filled to the top with players due to being as i qoute “meta” gear that’s late game rarely is enough to drive a player forward and most early gear in enlisted either is extremely inconsistent or feels extremely underwhelming and for that 1% that does play through those campaigns that are painful to the endgame often are treated still like an underdog however you do it. Due to even the endgame gear either feels just like a mere gimmick or just something to be there as a thing people have to grind for but doesn’t really have any value. Basically what im saying the major powercreep in enlisted is simply what drives which sides dominate. And that’s the only way i can describe what they are still feeding into here.


There are so many better options they could’ve gone with. Tunisia could’ve gotten an A-36 with bombs of even the iconic P-40E/F to match the G.55 as a fighter-bomber, which in place could have been replaced by something that actually saw combat there. Otherwise how do 2x 100 kg bombs match against x12 M8s?

If they really wanted to go the twin engine bomber route, War Thunder has models for the: Martin Maryland

and the earlier model A-20s (Bostons/DB-3) like what they did in Stalingrad

There is no need for an up-gunned, copy-pasted bomber already used in two other campaigns that feature the USA here with the amount of diversity in vehicles they already have.

The whole "everything added must be better than the last unlock power creep has basically locked anything relevant to specific campaigns to either:

Premium squads:
Sniper Gewehr-41 being “worse” than the Sniper MkB 42 in Moscow
StuG-III A [Moscow] AND G [Normandy] being locked to premium as they come after turreted 75 mm Pz. IV variants

Gold order weapons:
Beretta M1918/31 to every present Italian SMG that would’ve been great at earlier levels

Or flat out omitted:
SVT-40 likely never being added to Moscow because they chose to add the AVS-36 as a counterpart to the ZH-29 with automatic prototypes added instead as premiums [AKT-40/SKT-40].

Balance could have still be achieved using weapons and vehicles that were historically there if they put more thought into the choices they did, like putting the M4A3E2 against the Pz. IV H without simply just giving M61 APHE to the M4A2 and adding the M10 GMC in the former’s place; or instead of adding a captured PPSH/Suomi to the Axis in Moscow, adding the MkB 42; and the list goes on.

Reworking the progression lines would have been a way to go but of course, as people spent money on these things, it’ll likely never come.