New Campaign Levels

Positivity is sold as part of a bundle.


1 new map after 9 months and 20 new mode variation in the same map, you call this positive? lol, im amezed


You are spot on, they probably wont realize or give a rats arse till game is basically dead, devs you need to listen to your players in this forum, if you continue down path you are going, enlisted WILL die out. Ive said it before and i’ll say it again, pull your heads out of whatever dark hole they are in and SEE the light.

If you would just simply follow one concept, the negative reactions to whatever new content you release would DRASTICALLY decrease. And this shouldn’t have to be explained to you, its QUALITY OF PRODUCT YOU SELL… Repair ALL BUGS and GLITCHES BEFORE CREATING NEW ONES. This should be commen sense and shouldn’t need to be explained over and over to anyone.
We have all saw your replies saying LONG EXISTING BUGS will be fixed soon, soon has come and gone many times over. Do what you say you will do, the bs on all fronts isn’t getting old, it IS old.

I enjoy playing this game but with CONSTANT NON FUNCTIONING GAMEPLAY im starting to lose interest, i’m not alone on this aspect either


What’s the point of having diferent campaigns by battles anymore if the best stuff that’s available (and everybody will want to use) was never ued in those battles?

Battle of Moscow be like: Pz IV F2 + MKB-42 vs Fedorov + Lewis Gun
Battle of Berlin be like: MG-45 + STG-45 M vs Fedorov + AS-44

Literally none of the above existed/was used in those battles but that’s a super strong meta you can now do.

++ more fantasy gear
++ more premiums
– historical connection gone
– unique niche for the game not being a weird alt-history gone


They need to restructure the game in battle fronts instead of individual campaigns. And have one tech tree for each faction on that front. But they’ve pretty much dug themselves into a hole that they cant get out of. At this stage of the game, restructuring the progression system or any other major changes would inevitably fuck over the veteran and new players alike.

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sadly no joke. Good player, but cancerous line-up.
Watched his stream

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How can you truly be a “good” player if you need a tigor or panthor in Moscow of all places…


As for cancerous lineup (probably just assaulters or things that goes boom), it’s just screaming “I like easy mooode…”


Which Panzer IV would that be? German tanks including the F2 (which shouldn’t be there anyway) all have 50mm or less of frontal armor in Moscow.

Panzer 4 G

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Aye the IV G has additional armor but unless I misunderstood it was Moscow being discussed

Moscow can get even a tiger now so were is the problem

the IV E, it has 60 mm of armour, look closely and you will see there is another sheet welded to the hull

The game is for free, the most os squads and weapons are for free, still devs give all what they can to offer us a great WW2 experience…For that to continue they lock some squads for a game price, or half, or even 5 euros…You don’t have to…I give 5 or 10 euros per month for gold and it’s totally enough, 'cause I’m somebody who live easily with a few…but if you’re part of people who think you have to buy every single update, skins and gold editions do it…But respect the work of the devs who give it first, then you buy or not the ''elite squads ‘’ YOUR CHOICE "

Personally I have see the game becoming a really beautiful and realistic game. Bombing explosions and holes, I feel the wind in the plane, rain, other weathers, many events…and every single daily session is a different experience…HOW CAN YOU BE SO BLIND??

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I don’t have to respect the devs.

Because they don’t respect us.

Releasing prems is fine. The issue is that devs are being crooks and dishonest with them. Every premium they release is planned to become obsolete in advance, only to keep selling new, more p2w, and more pricy ones.

Heck, the upcoming heavy mgs emplacements. Bet you didn’t knew, but, ALL older gunner premiums (with engineers) WON’T be able to build em, only the new ones :laughing:

They even go as far as locking mechanics, or refusing to update, older premium squads.

So I’ll tell you what’s truly my choice:

  • not being content with their bs.

Dont know, maybe release a end year update based on copypasted shit and premium squad make the playerbase upset?

Look i dont care if you are full honeymoon with enlisted but with almost 6000 battle i pretend that the END YEAR UPDATE is something wo both player and dev can end the year together




That’s the common perception, but so many companies wouldn’t be selling massively inflated unnecessary content if it wasn’t a viable business practice.

The 45M and AS-44 are definitely not the best that’s available in Berlin. I wouldn’t say the Lewis Gun is the best available in Moscow either.

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Fair point

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The pz 3 armor is a useless solution. The T 34 is guaranteed to kill all pz 3 with one shot from any distance. Subjective opinion, 50 mm has a low armor impact, a short range of effective shooting. If you like to shoot pixels at a distance when the enemy kills you in the body, well, that’s Masochism.