New Campaign Levels

The IV E only has 50mm. The hull is made to 30mm thick and had an additional 20mm armor plate secured to the front bringing it to 50mm. The 50mm thickness became something of a standard armor size at the time before Hitler later had it increased again to 80mm

Edit: Correction! It was a additional 30mm plate, you are correct

Good stuff, Darkflow! Looking forward to this!

I’m stoked to see the Type 2 Ka-Mi is being added, but will players have the ability to equip it’s pontoons? Also, will players have the ability to remove the Type 3 Ka-Chi’s pontoons?

I’m also curious why you don’t have the full naming convention for the Japanese vehicles in-game (e.g. Type 2 Ka-Mi, Type 3 Ka-Chi, Type 97 Chi-Ha, A6M2 Model 11, etc.). Do you plan on addressing this in the future?

Im fine with the unbalance.That should be like this was in the history.The problem is that the spawn system is broken.There should be something like rarity : ok , you have 1941 a mighty T-34 , but that that tank was rare - so only every 4th or 5th(for example) spawned vehicle on the russian side , could be allowed to be T-34.
But it would require to change the number of allowed vehicles in the battle.

We only got daylight maps and you don’t think that a unit in winter coats is a weird sight?

Both sides used them.

Basically this.

There are many new titles to catch up on, have a good time with them too.
As you said, may be have a long break from Enlisted and catch up after Years, may be you can see some improvement :laughing:
I am very familiar with Snail’s product: at least a major screw up every year. Last year it is Stalingrad, this year is this lolz.
Anyway, use your time and money for your family and friends. They are more valuable than some digital product after all.

HB (noah)

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You and I will have to find a new game to play. Ill hit you up on chat on the weekend to discuss.

The game might have pissed me off but im not loaing friends along the way too.

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This may surprise you, but I have actually been in the desert of Tunisia.
I know it’s very cold in the night.
But the picture is of the daytime, so that means hot, so no time for winter clothes.

Thats why its a premium squad because you don’t see other wear it more often.

also, i know this doesn’t have anything to do with ww2. But Middle eastern people throughout the ages wear long robes even during daytimes. not to mention they also wear thick armor when at war you know how hot it is

I hope you do play again though, maybe when enlisted is a bit more caring about suggestions :frowning:
Always sad to see another player go even though I don’t know you much. But, I guess this is where the game is going now, it started with @40946585 leaving

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They may not be the best, but they are a common sight in the game.

Personally I just don’t see any point in playing a game with “Battle of Moscow” if what I’m seeing is long barrel Pz IV and STG (MKB) - if that’s what I wanted from a WW2 fps game I would’ve just sticked with BFV: just invade Rotterdam with Tiger tanks and Type 2A smg and not give a damn.


That seems a bit hyperbolic. The Pz. IV F2 is less of a stretch than Jumbos at D-Day.

Jumbo at D-Day is also wrong, but Jumbo in “Invasion of Normandy” is okay, since they were in France in September, and there are other maps (inland) in the campaign.

Long barrel Pz IVs never existed during the battle of Moscow. Zero.

175 were delivered with the initial order within a couple months of the arbitrary date dictating the “Battle of Moscow” and MKbs were used in Leningrad.

The earliest evidence I’ve seen was May 1942 in Crimea.
They were never present in the battle of Moscow.

First captured MKB is attributed to Kholm in June 1943.
Again, no evidence of any of them in Moscow (didn’t exist), Leningrad (didn’t enter the city) or Stalingrad (0 captured after the German surrender).

If we want to start shifting goalposts and talk about “initial batch was actually in Germany so could be sent there” then let’s add Me 163 Komet to every campaign

First flight was in September 1941


X-mas wish…


Actually I think you will be surprised what they did. Just stay tuned and you will see. It’s a pleasant surprise.


@Conscript_Joe there hope brother.

Stay strong :slight_smile:

I just started this game a few days ago and thought it was good so I bought a battle pass for a start. Only to start realizing now I will never experience the full game without dumping a huge load of money in it. Starting to regret the purchase but lucky the battle pass was the only purchase I made so far. To summarize it, TOO MANY PREMIUM SQUAD (which cost arm and legs) and the GRIND!!


I am downloading a 9GB update right now so I guess this is it :crazy_face: