New Campaign Levels

Maybe the devs think the same as us and this is all orders from “above”.


Not like these responses were gold either.


Were your parents killed by US soldiers?
Why does Hellcat have to come out now? Fuck the historical research at the point where fg42 and stg overflow.
Give me the 90mm.


That may be true, but it doesnt change much.

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The axis would not need the long barrel if the “non-premium” tanks could use HEAT.

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Guys. guys - they called this update High Caliber because that is what is going to run through some people’s wallets here and continue this vicious cycle of premiums overtaking normal progressional content until the cycle ends with enough people pissed off and the developers with their tail between their legs.

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Meh. I’m with quadro here. Devs are not aiming at the long term with their shady practice.

So I’m not certain this cycle will last that long…


until gaijin buys darkflow and goes through more competent developers

Thing is…

I think it’s BECAUSE of the snail that we see so many unscrupulously overpriced premium content. I don’t think it’s really up to DF.


One of two things must be true:

1.) Devs are so incompetent/prideful that they are unable to see the major issues with the game and they refuse to listen to community feedback
2.) They listen, dont care, and just want to shit out more premium squads.

It doesnt matter which one is the truth. They both lead to the same end: Nothing changing

If Enlisted is ever going to succeed, the devs must work with players to fix the game. There is no middle ground, no half ass “making enlisted a better place” solution. Enlisted is something special, and has MASSIVE potential, but it cannot reach it until the developers actively work to make the game better, and thats only going to happen if they listen to the people who actually play their game.


See that’s the part I’m not certain of, they’ve had much more success with War Thunder which while monetized it is not nearly as bad as Enlisted for overpriced BS


when ?

I knew it was a matter of time before this game would turn out like war thunder. Im probably not going to uninstall yet, but that time is likely coming soon. Heavy MGs, a handfull of levels that I might see in 6 months and a never ending stream of premiums? Yeah, this update is going to be dead like stalingrad. Time to go back to squad and post scriptum

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Darkflow is just a Gaijin front with a bunch of amateurs under Gaijin vets
Banking 100% on the goodwill from DF being new since everyone knows Gaijin are rats


Damn this game is going downhill.


Up close, maybe, but only the tower. The T 34 kills with a single shot to the J body from any distance. It’s pointless to talk about “balance” here. t 34 finally got a worthy enemy.

Shit, i wouldn’t be surprised at seeing is3 and e75 in moscow at this point.


If someone is buying these premium squads thinking they’re P2W, they are sorrily mistaken. Goes back to my original post. 1 shot is all it takes and their toons die just like all the others. There is no P2W aspect with premium. My regular squads are more lethal than a premium squad. I don’t really give a shit if Gaijin wants to sell them because IMO, the user of these squads gains little to no discernible advantage from them. If people want to be dumb marks and piss their money away on them, then so be it. However, I would prefer not to be inundated with premium squads. The time creating those squads could be better used adding more maps to campaigns.


As everyone know - the grinding system is the biggest issue with this game.

You will not only unlock weapons/vehicles that you don’t want or need the whole design leads to a ridiculous inflation of firepower.

Doesn’t suit Moscow very well, for example.

They have to implement some fantasy weapons and thus ruin the uniqueness of that very early war campaign.

My forces in Moscow would surely suffer heavily from my counterparts in Berlin some time ago. I’m not sure about that anymore.

Ok, if you grinded all the levels - ofc you want new content, but who really thinks this game needs 37 levels? It will probably deter more new players.
Its way to high.


That’s entirely subjective, as I’ve stated myself and many others have no difficulty dealing with T34s in the III J1. If you’re a competent tank than it shouldn’t be a problem. However the people complaining about the T34 being so much better than the Panzer are gonna have the same problem with the IV F2. They’ll try to contest a T34 on its terms and get one shotted

Nothing wrong with the III J1 it’s about the tanker and how they utilize their vehicle