New Campaign Levels

We will see soon, but imo it won’t.

Twice as long pew pew is a really good argument to take M1919A6. At least for me as when I use german MGs in CQC I always with I had less rof and more ammo in mag.


Ah no fake news then sry. Someone told me it got extended for another 18h.

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I was startled, I thought I had just added 24 hours, and an extra 18 hours, and nearly died of a heart attack in front of my computer desk. :rofl:

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Srsly if that was the case I would flip out. Sry for the fake news and off topic. Toodaloo.

But it is ready in Stalingrad preview, soo where is problem?


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Does this mean that the Fedorov will be only semi automatic? Or will it be select fire?

I’m so nervous I can’t take another hit :sweat_smile:

A good way to prove this is to take the motorcycles in Tunisia. Both magically don’t overheat, and I can confirm the 1919 on the usa bike is just “Muahahah”!!! I can shoot likes there’s no tomorrow with it, love it. Now allies FINALLY get the portable one… But germany gets a strange Berlin copy paste that shouldn’t exist anymore in 1944 :thinking:


It’s a Fedorov “avtomatsomething”. Should be full auto :slight_smile:

Can you see it’s rof? I gues it will be the same.

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588th Night Bomber Regiment, would be instant buy from me, but plz no more delay cus it just such turn off for spending.

Omg, enough with the teasers to try and calm the masses, just release the update already!

The Semo indeed conveys a feeling of tank-killing nirvana in Tunisia. One-shot tank kills remain a thing of beauty and a reason to play this game, even if spawning a tank without an MG or HE shells isn’t necessarily the best use of one’s gaming time from an XP perspective.


Pfff, Semo is great, it can nuke every allied tank, even without MG and no HE, i love it.


This is fascinating news! I always wait like a kid does for santa for those new additions to already existant campaigns.

All the Normandy additions appear fantastic though I’m sure many GI Joes wanted to see a 76mm Jumbo… but who knows for the future.

The additions to Berlin are also fine. Stg44 at last!

Matilda & Sherman vs Panzer IV is also a milestone addition for Tunisia. Only the Johnson M1941 leaves me a bit baffled. Wasn’t this rifle - which was the rejected competitor to the Garant - mainly used by Marines in the Pacific? I never heard of it being used by the Allies outside of that theatre and now it becomes the best semi-automatic rifle and standard outfit for British/American troops in Tunisia… not sure if that’s ain’t bending historical credibility a bit too far.

Moscows addition is okayish. Nothing spectacular even though the M3 looks like a fun premium alternative with potential for domination. The addition of another premium fighter plane is meaningless as long as the game doesnt finally overhaul it’s planes damage model. You can spend minutes chasing and emptying your whole ammo into an enemy bomber and it still keeps flying while you can play your bomber effectively by simply kamikazing into enemy positions within seconds and equally seconds later will be back to join the fight in another squad.

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Eheheh isn’t it very loveable? Unsuspecting allied Grant from afar abusing his mg and frankly amazing anti personnel ability if a good target from lil Semonvente. Grant drivers think they’re invulnerable… But I learnt to be extremely cautious and even panicked when I drove one and faced a Semo. Now, I’m the one making them panick (tho a simple 50kg bomb is enough to kill a grant from 15 m away, so high profile it is). I prefer the Semo to the pz3, even if it has a wonderful mg in it… packs more oomf with it’s main gun.

bad squad-nerfed from beginning compared to enemy, as assaulters they have -3 vitality that means they will never have +35% vitality perk!! And they have bagpacks for medpacks, lol, not having vitality or medpack usage speed while americans have 3 explosion packs at least on picture. I will laugh if it will be so that in american squad will be 5 people as on picture and in german 4 XD.

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It’s a select fire rifle.

Look. Ik it takes time and effort to get things done, But I just wish you guys can have a deadline of the project, not just delaying it like 14+7+7+1.


Absolutely shouldn’t. What should be there is the RD-44, version of the RPD field tested at the end of the war:

And you’re right once again. Moreover, it shouldn’t be anywhere, maybe in one campaign (probably Moscow to avoid Axis having just one semi auto there) because it was rejected by the German army for being overcomplicated.

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